Indian analyst suggests that now is the right time for India to attack China as morale of Indian forces will drop if action not taken. LOL what??
Don't we just love these Indian hawkish articles. So happy to call for war with China. This Jabin T Jacob. Is he an Indian or a foreigner? Doesn't matter, I enjoy addressing his nonsense:
The Chinese view of structural realities with respect to India suggests to them that a Right-wing nationalist government in power in New Delhi with a strong majority in Parliament is unlikely to seek peaceful ties with China — in many ways, this view reflects also the Communist Party of China’s own zero-sum view of the world.
No its not China who has a zero-sum view of the world. Its India and the West. China invested much FDI into India, and invited India into BRI, RCEP, etc. But guess who said no. China wanted to develop India in hopes of profiting trade with a richer India. A win-win scenario. India on the other hand wanted China out of the way to achieve its Superpower dream. Again, another instance of projection onto China of the Indian zero-sum mindset.
It is time now for the Indian Army to bring out of the closet and implement its vaunted plans against Chinese bad behaviour, to show the results of years’ worth of discussions in military think-tanks on how to respond to China’s ‘local wars under informatized conditions’.
Like what exactly? Quadcopter dropping grenades? Tree-killer airstrikes? Or dancing artillery exchange? None of those scares any serious military. Not even militia like the Taliban.
A two-front war is a theoretical possibility but as much as the Pakistanis might be interested, the Chinese, for a variety of reasons, should want to go it alone. First, what does it say of the fighting mettle of the PLA that it must want a smaller army to come to its help? Second, the actual level of coordination between the Chinese and Pakistani armed forces remains limited. Third, Pakistani involvement could conceivably also loosen any Indian restraints against China. Just three reasons out of many more why the Chinese would hesitate to involve the Pakistanis.
Only India is talking about a two-front war. Not China or Pakistan. Because guess who decided to create two enemies at the border? Anyway, do you know why China does not want to involve Pakistan? First, Its called taking responsibility. If its a fight with India, and Pakistan is not involved, China needs not drag Pakistan in. Besides, China has more than enough to give India another ass-whooping. Second, what limited coordination between Pakistan and China? You must have missed the Shaheen exercises. Third, what about the loosening of Indian restraints against China if Pakistan comes in? Is India gonna block the Malacca Straits? Or use nukes? Good luck!
While militaries tend to plan for worst-case scenarios, it is also important for the Indian Army to prevent such planning from paralysing all action. Look at how the PLA itself has opened up multiple fronts — despite US pressure and despite COVID-19 — and still seems to get the better of its opponents.
Does the Indian Army ever plan? Reality is showing the opposite here. Provoking an actual superpower on your border, unprepared for mountain warfare, and unprepared for war with a major military power. Only India is going: Oh shit! PLA has shelters? PLA soldiers are well equipped for winter? PLA has drones? PLA has infrastructure?
US pressure is not new, China have been dealing with US hostility for like forever. Does India have short memory? And what about Covid-19? China had Covid-19 under control by Q2 2020. Not like what is happening in India.
Finances are an important consideration as also the military power differential, but the longer the Indian Army waits to send a clear and appropriate response to the PLA for its actions of 2020, the more it risks degrading its resources and capabilities as well as morale within the ranks.
India can no longer afford to play a waiting game in the face of evidence as clear as daylight that the Chinese do not intend to keep any of their promises, let alone return to status quo ante. If anything, the polite thing for the Indian military to do would be to remind the PLA — by actions not words — of their commander-in-chief’s injunction at the World Economic Forum earlier this week that “
Are you admitting that India can no longer compete with China economically and militarily in the coming years? You dare quote Xi Jin Ping: "The strong should not bully the weak". Are you actually saying that India is weaker than China? That goes against the Jai Hind India>China narrative. So for so long we have been hearing that India is Superpower 2020 and can win any war with China. Then one day, you say that China should not bully India. I'm confused. Which one is it? Is India stronger or weaker than China? Make up your mind already!
Maybe India should follow your advice and start a border war with China. India is in dire need of a reality check of its place in world.