Ladakh Flash Point

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Nobonita Barua

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Fail. Read report again he says that both Indian and Pakistan armies have pretty much same tactical and operational thinking
So? What the heck my post has anything to do with whindis & pakis having same tactical thinking? In fact i agree with that


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Canadian expert: Desperate PLA leaked this old cropped video from August after humiliation in a recent Indian action:

Also the video was atleast 3 minutes long but PLA proaganda bureau could stream only 20 seconds as the whole video would made PLA a laughing stock.

There is nothing preventing you guys from leaking the rest of the three minutes? Why not do that and make the PLA a laughing stock?


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Since Kalyan’s wishes have a tendency to backfire, I hope, for his sake, that the PLA doesn’t actually release the full 3 minutes of the video. For all we know they could’ve captured Jawans crying for their mommies on video.


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Please do not insult the Pakistani military by putting them in the same camp as yours. This is like a midget telling a taller person that they are short.
Yes Pakistan army is a midget army. They are so incompetent that a 100 Pak army soldiers got captured by rag tag tribals
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