Modi may be next in line. Trouble with Indian politics is, there is a proven track record of using military solutions to win an election. It has worked with the 2019 Balakot air strike. Before that, Modi was facing unfavourable polls. After the air strike and all the anti-Pakistan hysteria. Modi won the election by a bigger mandate than his first election victory. If Modi loses the polls for the next election again. You can bet they could try something stupid again.
But in a counter argument, the BJP currently enjoys the second best approval rating of any ruling party in the world. About 70%. Which is second to the CCP. That means they should be at least popular as hell with the Indian population. India's democracy is not based on rationality and meritocracy. So we cannot judge it from a Western democracy perspective. We will continue to see widespread support for stupid, incompetent, racist, and violent leaders in India for the forseable future.