I misspoke, it was actually from Taobao:Can you post a link for the ones you bought? AliExpress's search function is terrible.
I use panli to buy from Taobao unless there's a relative coming from China:
I misspoke, it was actually from Taobao:Can you post a link for the ones you bought? AliExpress's search function is terrible.
This proposal is indeed real and is probably one of the worst foreign policy mistakes made not just by an Indian leader, but any leader in the world in the 20th century. Had India accepted this proposal, which is quite generous looking at the state of things today, they could have permanent peace on the border and focus their military buildup exclusively towards the LOC. Also, the Chinese Pakistani alliance would be considerably weaker than it is today and in general Chinese/Indian relations would be more akin to the amiable Chinese/Bangladesh relations of today.Everyone, not sure this article had been posted before, if so then sorry for redundancy.
I know it's Indian news site, but it admits something..
Had Jawaharlal Nehru accepted Zhou Enlai compromise-based solution, Sudheendra Kulkarni argues, “India and China, after some negotiations, could have fixed the boundary permanently” and “prevented” the 1962 war.Detail to the news site
It boggles the mind how tame the CCP still is towards the Indians who have demonstrated clear hatred for everything Chinese with little understanding on reality and truths.
This proposal is indeed real and is probably one of the worst foreign policy mistakes made not just by an Indian leader, but any leader in the world in the 20th century. Had India accepted this proposal, which is quite generous looking at the state of things today, they could have permanent peace on the border and focus their military buildup exclusively towards the LOC. Also, the Chinese Pakistani alliance would be considerably weaker than it is today and in general Chinese/Indian relations would be more akin to the amiable Chinese/Bangladesh relations of today.
But nope, Nehru rejected it, which caused a humiliating defeat with India losing 10,000+ soldiers and the remaining portion of Aksai Chin they controlled prior to 1962. And this is not to mention the huge Chinese military threat on the northern border that draws thin Indian military resources, which have to be dispersed to face the LOC and LAC simultaneously. Basically, India created a permanent and much more powerful enemy with the rejection of this proposal ... there were reports of India in the 2000s trying to offer the Chinese the same proposal Zhou Enlai wrote up, but this was obviously rejected by the Chinese who are in a much more powerful position now. Really goes to show the complete lack of foresight in not just the Indian military, but India as a country.
The reason China took some parts of Aksai Chin, which it didn't control prior to 1962 war, was probably because it was confident enough that the Indians would not go on the offensive after they mobilised "reinforcements". The Indians were banking on a sort of either and situation where the Soviets + Americans would come to their aid following the Chinese support during the Korean war vis a vis Americans and the cooling relations between China and the USSR right when the Sino-Soviet split was snowballing.
Since neither the Soviets or Americans openly gave the Indians any real military support, they were not confident in fighting and taking back the PLA settled parts of Aksai Chin. From China's perspective, the PLA was already giving the Indians a huge benefit by not simply taking all of China's claims but this was probably done because they expected this would be far beyond the line for India and would push both countries into unrestricted war - something both wanted to avoid.
This unfortunately means the confrontation gets pushed further down the line unless one side is happy to concede.
What China gave in Zhou's offer was a gambler's hedge. Settle back then before the war in a way that seems relatively fair where both take a compromise, or kick the can further down the road. China was extremely diplomatic but back then it did not wield much political power and understood the monumental amount of work that was in front of it wrt catching up with the west. They allowed the Indians to choose to settle then or gamble to see who is the clear superior power in the future. How accommodating and magnanimous. An arrogant and violent power would not have behaved this way towards the Indians after securing all the Chinese claimed lands and much much much further. They should really have given back the captured lands that were mutually recognised as India and just settled right on China's own claim lines. This opens the possibility of constant skirmishing and danger of escalation which would have distracted China from its other priorities though. We'll never know whether that choice would have proven to be better and what the costs are now.
It boggles the mind how tame the CCP still is towards the Indians who have demonstrated clear hatred for everything Chinese with little understanding on reality and truths. This hatred has not been returned by China. Honestly no Chinese have called for the rape and beating of any Indian person in China. No Chinese have been burning Indian flags and stabbing effigies of Modi. No Chinese are publicly lynching Indians or banning Indians from their hotels and businesses. The west is sold this liberal backed fairytale of peaceful Hindus with yoga studios and chai lattes chanting namaste but the reality is so far from this lie.
In theory, targeting government offices would suffice, though I'd be more concern if India can ensure that its guidance system is reliable enough that Potala Palace won't suffer even a scratch.
Oka folks, they have a "homegrown"(!!!!) mizzile now which can strike Tibet. Though i admit, i have no idea what would they be targeting at Tibet.
Western nations will continue their full support even if it openly worship Satan and sacrifice children in blood rituals, so long it keep up the anti-China policy.How can western nations support this fascist, misogynist, racist nation?
Look at the Chinese leaderships, you'd see they're almost all engineer-trained, and all are seasoned officials who worked their way from the the bottom echelon of the bureaucracy, whereas "democratic countries" leaders and cabinet ministers not necessary have such career upbringing, commonly lawyer-trained (ironic that I work in a law firm, took my legal executive training, and I've such disdain of the profession...), and very likely get the job because of political assignment instead of experienced from the grounds up. Engineers are more likely level headed by their profession, whereas lawyers are snakes...It boggles the mind how tame the CCP still is towards the Indians who have demonstrated clear hatred for everything Chinese with little understanding on reality and truths. This hatred has not been returned by China. Honestly no Chinese have called for the rape and beating of any Indian person in China. No Chinese have been burning Indian flags and stabbing effigies of Modi. No Chinese are publicly lynching Indians or banning Indians from their hotels and businesses. The west is sold this liberal backed fairytale of peaceful Hindus with yoga studios and chai lattes chanting namaste but the reality is so far from this lie.