I agree. But there is a twisted logic behind the mindset. Trade by itself is not of concern to the forces of Global Dominance. Japan from 1950 to 1980s, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan etc. became manufacturing and trading hubs. They became sources of mass produced, affordable, good quality consumer goods for Western consumption. China followed in their footsteps, alone replacing the combined manufacturing capacity of all these nations. How ever none of these nations had any military capability, a strong national cultural identity, or any vision of the future. Even the once mighty Japan, with its strong culture and history has been drained of its internal pride.The populations of Malaysia and Singapore have been the subject of colonial "population experiments" with indentured labor imports from India ( and the then fractured China) that has resulted in deep fissures with the resident Malay population. Such countries are easy to manipulate. A smaller political entity with no sense of identity with its population engaged in catering to Western consumption is much preferred over a nation that wants to build for itself a space launch vehicle and can build stealth fighters.,Why would Western allies, or any allies, want to cut off China's trade with themselves? Another fallacy put forth by Indian elites, that the Indian navy could simply 'cut off' China's trade. Assuming it could even be done, China's first reaction would probably be gain political support from countries affected (because we know trade is a two-way street). As China is the largest trade partner of the vast majority of countries, it isn't hard to guess who would garner more political support.
If China like Malaysia confined itself to manufacturing shirts for Walmart it would be fine but that is not what happened. China overcame its isolation and today builds everything from micro-chips to aircraft carriers.
Singapore will never build stealth fighter jets or a global navigation system.
There was one other nation that did this transformation which was Russia which as part of the Soviet Union transformed itself from a backward feudal state with only 10% literacy to a space and industrial power. This incurred extreme displeasure for the forces of Global Dominance. One of the objectives of World War 2 and the subsequent Cold War was the destruction of the Soviet Union. This was not achieved militarily during World War 2 but over time during the Cold War. Today Russia miraculously survives instead of being broken up into entities for raw material exploitation but this goal was nearly achieved in the 1990s when Secretary of State Madelene Albright said Siberia was too vast and too rich in minerals as a resource for the "global community " to leave it only to Russia. Russia must relinquish its control of Siberia for the global community to invest in and exploit it.
China is now in the cross hairs of a new war meant to subjugate it. China is likely to face the same scenario as the Soviet Union which faced two wars of intervention, and a world war, a Cold War. There is a difference though. No Western ally was crazy enough to be a sacrificial lamb to take on the Soviet Union in a nuclear exchange but the forces of global dominance may have found just such a sacrificial lamb in India.