Ladakh Flash Point

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Bright Sword

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Different times ! It would be interesting to look back to November 1950 in the DPRK, when the PLA units fought at the Chosin reservoir under freezing conditions (-38 C), and see what survival and frost protection gear they used. Altitude may not have been a factor but wind and temperature certainly were. From documentary footage it appears hot tea, rice gruel and water was what they survived on and the clothing was quilted cotton. and so were the mittens. There was a stark difference in the uniforms. The US troops had synthetic and natural fur lined jackets, leather gloves, parkas, fur lined helmets, thick woolen socks, fur lined boots.The US troops were much better armed with M1 Garand 30-06 self loading rifles and Browning (BAR) automatic rifles, and an assortment of heavy and light machine guns. Yet even with this basic winter protection and fairly basic weapons (mostly Mosin-Nagant 7.62 X 54 rifles and PPSh sub machineguns ) the PLA put up a formidable defense over a bitter continuous 17 day battle and forced a retreat on the far better equipped US forces (under the UN flag). Today the term "Frozen Chosin" is widely referred to any military campaign being fought under freezing conditions and some American military observers referred to that term when the British soldiers were making a hike across the freezing heights of the Falkland Islands ( 1982).

Bright Sword

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Different times ! It would be interesting to look back to November 1950 with the PLA in DPRK. They fought at the Chosin reservoir equipped thus . Equipment didn't matter so much !

Bright Sword

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LOL india is 8 time gold medalist in field hockey in Olympics , last being 1980 for india and 84 for Pakistan. Despite being such a malnurished population , india still win more medal than your country anyday. Even in games where physical activities are required. Stop smoking that afghani hashish.
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LOL india is 8 time gold medalist in field hockey in Olympics , last being 1980 for india and 84 for Pakistan. Despite being such a malnurished population , india still win more medal than your country anyday. Even in games where physical activities are required. Stop smoking that afghani hashish.
LOL What? You have a population nearly that of China and you're talking about a medal in 1980?? That's so so sad. Compare with a nation your size if you dare. China wins several times more medals at every recent individual Olympics than all the medals in India's history combined. I can count every gold medal India has won since it entered the Olympics over a century ago with just my fingers and still have one left to show you (guess which one). In the last 40 years, India has 1 gold medal, and it was in shooting. Compared with its population, India is the biggest underachiever in the athletic world. How dare you even mention sports? Your best response would have been, "Sports is off topic." LOL


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The updated claim tracker. So far Indians are not doing well. Read the list and I may have missed some things as it is. All the proof is available around the internet outside of Bhakt circle jerks. Even in this thread there is a record of these claims and results+evidence. How sad and pathetic can Hindutvas get?

This is just a short summary. Haven't even added the most recent claim where retired PLA seen being emotional is presented as crying because the Bihar weaklings are just too strong Jai hind lol.

View attachment 63763

Retired PLA soldiers are upset that they can’t dish out a beating anymore.


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But at least they got some recognition, however short it lasted. What purpose does it serve the Chinese to not give the names of martyrs??? They weren't some undercover special operatives like the CIA or the Russian Wagner group. Please explain why regular soldiers who died should not be given proper recognition by the state? Do note that if they died, the Chinese gov has not even announced any death, let alone the identity of the deceased.

First there is no reliable source that says there were any casualties, it's just speculation by journalists with their own interests and biases.

Judging from the army's official statement, the most likely version of the event is still zero deaths with some wounded, since they said "Indian actions have endangered the lives of Chinese military personnel", note the choice of words, endangered but not cost.

It would be extremely out of character and contradictory to every previous behavior if there were somehow casualties but they weren't announced. War dead were always honored with fairly public ceremonies from WW2 and onwards.

Only if there was a truly extraordinary situation would that happen. Basically only if an invasion has been decided so they're trying to be completely silent.
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