Ladakh Flash Point

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If the Indians or whoever nonsense wanted to play this same thing, well... we can play a lot on this too... for all the other militaries in the world.

Indian soldiers after being trashed by Pakistani

And the evil of indian army,

Well I know these videos are inflammatory, but if the Indians do not care to admit to defeat and keep spreading lies and fake news, I don't see why the Chinese are that controlled. There are countless videos in the net (most are fake, I think) that can also be twisted to tell totally different stories.
You don't rustle with a pig in a mud pit. The pig will always win and you will only come out looking worse than the pig. Don't fall to their level. Am Chinese, trust me. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


Registered Member
You don't rustle with a pig in a mud pit. The pig will always win and you will only come out looking worse than the pig. Don't fall to their level. Am Chinese, trust me. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

As long as the CCP keeps the western border dispute settled in its favour, playing these silly little social media claims game is not serious. The real prize is the actual on the ground reality. The concern is the CCP may make a deal with the Indians and keep the western border dispute unsettled again by going to pre-April positions.

If the rumours that China is now making moves in the eastern border dispute are true, this one must be tied in with the strategy. Is the CCP trying to use distraction or to get a swap like they intended in the past? But this is the opposite of what was offered back then ie AP for Ladakh. If the swap is the goal then China would have made the first moves on AP. I hope the CCP take both claims outright which could even be the plan now that Modi and India's reaction has been shown to be MUCH weaker than the CCP originally anticipated. China may as well take both now the Indians have proven they won't do anything. Settle the border as it should be but go no further. Finally a potential close to the almost century long dispute.

The Indians have totally exhausted economic responses available to it. Making little impact on China while it severs its own future prospects on trade with China. India is not a big market for any nation truth be told. Don't know why Indians consider themselves to be an important economic partner or purchasing nation when they barely make the top 10 list of export nations for any country on this planet.

The Indians proved they won't go to war. And truth be told, the CCP certainly made moves on Ladakh in full anticipation of war.

No cost to taking AP. Just needs to be handled gently and slowly.


Junior Member
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Just want to say the first "Crying video" is from a short documentary regarding retiring soldiers, they were sad because they couldn't serve the country anymore. I watched this sometime ago, forgot the name/link to the show.

Those Indian supporters just cut the video out of context. Fake news.

Saw this from the latest Indian defence forum.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Without doing some soul searching and looking into why they failed, the Indians are not addressing their issues, they are lying to themselves on their prowess. Without having the guts to face their own failure, they will only continue to fail and will only go down the rabbit hole. I am sad that the once powerful civilization is becoming more and more of an international joke.


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Hello sir,

Is it possible to lift ban from my first account? I think there has been some problem which i have mentioned here to moderator.

Try now.
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