I'd think you don't understand what I'm saying.
Here's the ranges that matter:
-Maximum aerodynamic range
The range at which a missile can potentially hit the target, ignoring maneuvers on the target aircraft.
-Effective range (or NEZ, but I've seen multiple definitions of NEZ that imply that effective range might be lower than NEZ)
, or the range at which a missile can hit a maneuvering fighter. This is also why I make a big deal of the Rafale's 11G, because it's implying that the increased maximum instantaneous turn rate can further reduce the effective range.
I am beginning to think that you are either confused or you don’t understand the topic under discussion.
You like to adopt the term NEZ but then self-contradict its meaning with your 11G turn argument. NEZ by definition means it is a zone within which the target cannot outrun or out maneuver the missile because of the missile’s resident kinetic energy. Either it is in the zone or it is not – you need to make up your mind.
WEZ in its application is not a static number but dynamic due to the many variables that can impact it at point of engagement as I had explained to you more than once. The HUD actually displaces whether the target is within the WEZ based on the many variables that become an input to the algorithm.
The obvious point being the intended engagement with maximal success is between RMAX2 and RMIN2. This is a separate conversation from that of missile range. It is also depended on whether you can secure an actual lock on due to counter measures.
Presented in another way, maximum range means lower chance of successful engagement.
-Self-guided range
This is the range at which a BVR missile no longer requires a datalink, allowing the datalink guiding aircraft to turn home.
The PL-15 can be fired at the maximum aerodynamic range to threaten the enemy fighter, but most likely it won't hit when fired at the aerodynamic range because the target is maneuvering.
The PL-15 can likewise fire at the effective range, but the launching platform would need to datalink guide the PL-15 until it reaches the self-guided range.
In an actual engagement, the dynamics will invariably be that the target will maneuver and will apply counter measures. The longer the engagement distance the greater the advantage is to the target because there is more time to act and distance favors the jammer over the acquisition radar – that is just physics.
The radar skin return power increases as the fourth power of reducing range while the received jammer power increases only as the square of reducing range.
My point is that the PL-15 is known to have a longer aerodynamic range than the equivalent Indian missiles of the R-77 and Astra types. NEZ is usually estimate as 1/3rd the aerodynamic range for a solid single-pulse rocket. We do not know how to estimate a NEZ for a dual-pulse rocket. However, compared to the R-77 and Astra missiles, we can assume the NEZ is higher than on the PL-15 due to its higher aerodynamic range, and that a dual pulse-rocket has a higher
Moreover, the PL-15 uses an AESA seeker, which is usually considered too expensive for missiles, but is seen on the most modern missiles such as the AAM-4. This should result in an increase in tracking range, as the AESA seeker can form a narrow beam to enhance effective power, which allows the datalinking aircraft to stop datalinking and turn home sooner.
The main problem is that you need to get over the ECM hurdle before any of these become meaningful.
The numbers I've provided suggest that the self-guided range on the PL-15 is almost as high as its effective range under some interpretations of such. The implication is that the J-11 or J-10 can fire off a PL-15, then wait a little bit for the missile to self-guide, then turn home, while forcing the Su-30MKI platform to launch counter-missiles while out of effective range (i.e, the missile can threaten, but not hit) and be forced to datalink the missile for long periods of time.
I have no idea how you derived the numbers that you quoted and until you can substantiate them it is a non-conversation.
In discussing long range engagements, you need to appreciate that missile intercept algorithms are based on some form of intercept rules and not pursuit guidance as most seem to think. The data points need to be up updated frequently especially against fast maneuvering targets. With AIM-120, the datalink update is between 0.5 to 1 sec intervals. The notion of fire and forget is just wishful thinking.
Additionally, the flight path is not governed by straight line efficiency in range but rather efficiency through air density and gravity. This means a lofted flight profile to coast in low density air. That translate to lots of datalink updates to achieve intercept against a fast moving target.
As for the self-tracking range of the Astra missile:
I have to say that you are being sloppy. You referenced a 140 page document that I have to wade through to only find your quote close to midway on page 57.
The problem from the contents of the magazine is that ether you do not understand the subject or you are being disingenuous.
We were discussing the range of active seeker. The Astra seeker that you quoted is a passive one. In case you don’t understand the difference, active seekers involve two-way travel of RF energy. Passive seeker like ESM just receive only i.e. one way.