Ladakh Flash Point

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Senior Member
r/india isn't a good representation of the Indian population seeing as that sub hates Modi and he's their elected prime minister. I think the majority of it is left leaning diaspora. You should go to twitter, youtube comments, comments from their news websites to get a clearer view of what your average Indian thinks. It would make the most racist white supremacist blush at how racist one can be.

They seem to want a war and general opinion is it's an easy victory for India and in few months they are somewhere near Beijing... thats also the attitude on forums like Bharat Rakshak where people should know better. If population thinks that way it could put up a lot of pressure on govt while they know that such action isn't realistic, but if population demans a war they cannot simply ignore it, so Indian populations ignorance can be very dangerous.

What happens if they start a conflict and most likely lose? Either Indian govt loses next election or population goes even crazier with demans of venegance.


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Not sure if that’s accurate but that’s substantial

Very short on details. But it has $1B invested. It stands to lose $1B if all its investments fail to yield returns and all assets are somehow taken away. What is the $6B from? I think they mean they are missing out on making a potential $6B if the apps weren't banned. That's not presenting the situation honestly. $1B loss is if worse comes to worst and potential profits are never accounted as losses. Indian companies may then be losing a $100B (or whatever abitrary guesstimate) in potential loses with an Indo-China trade war.

Chinese economic retaliation on India will give them a world of short and medium term hurt in so many aspects of living standards and economic progress. If they were to create Indian alternatives in the long term then it may all be worthwhile for the Indians eventually but that's a huge if and in the meantime, Indian economic efforts against China barely put a dent into China's bottom line. Something like a fraction of 3% annual GDP? And this is if India gets its act together and organises the trade war well, which is quite unlikely and will result in huge Chinese responses. Personally I hope this is the path. India will put a dent into at most 3% of Chinese GDP and China will put a dent into 5% of India's GDP while ALSO pulling capital and investments away from India. India stands to benefit from Chinese investments into India while India itself barely invests into China.

This also shows a lot of the world that India is willing to pull a Trump lol (idiots :p) and their investments are at risk as well. It's ironic how countries like India and Australia accuse China of weaponising markets and finances when they do the same. Well at least this is true for India while for Australia it's more understandable they're actually getting leveraged due to overdependence on Chinese money.
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Senior Member
Indian economy was slowing down even before coronavirus or world economic problems for various reasons, for example many larger cities still haven't proper public transport or reliable energy infastructure meaning work of then halds when light and machines go quiet, and what I have read Modi's plan is to grow Indian middle class by building future cities from ground up, but that's really pointless as you need more organic growth before doing that kinda thing. Just by building mew cities doesn't magically produce new companies.

Also, nearly 50% Indian working population is still on agriculture sector while in most industrial nations it's less than 5%.


Registered Member
Wow they're giving themselves quite the markup then. It's more like $60M in potential unmade revenue as opposed to $6B. Very typical Indian exaggeration tactics. If their entire advertising market was a measly 250 million USD pre Indian economic meltdown, then that 60 million potential unmade income is more like 6 million bucks.


Lieutenant General
This is typically trash Indian news reporting where they cannot even get the basics right (or maybe more likely they just don’t care about ‘silly’ little details like facts and truth in order to trash China).

Looks like they got that $6bn figure from multiplying ByteDance’s 2019 revenue (17bn) by the percentage of its Indian users (332m/800m for TikTok, the group’s average between all apps is probably lower).

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As others have already beaten me to point out, the problem is that India is so poor that its market value is tiny, and set to get even smaller as a lot of the spend is actually by Chinese companies who will now not bother.


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We need to remember that all this damage is from India’s actions. When China retaliates, the economic damage will be far greater.

India trying to pick and economics fight with China is as ill advised as them picking actual military fights.

It’s just so absurdly stupid and is a perfect example of what happens when populism and leaders who always take the easy route of blaming their own failings on others goes out to control.


Registered Member
China is refraining from hurting India too much at the moment. It seems like the CCP wants India to pull itself from the brink but the maturity and objectivity in India just doesn't exist in big enough numbers and loud enough voices. India stands to lose so much once Chinese investment and capital is pulled. These loudmouths actually have no comprehension of how any of this really is and really works. It's frankly troubling to see how incompetent and unintelligent the Indian leadership is when push comes to shove. Certainly had more respect for them in the past... maybe their best minds left India long ago or their systems just promote and elect absolute morons lol. Even their businesses suffer from levels of corruption and nepotism that makes 1970s CCP blush.
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