it's a complicated story. First, C-2 is indeed sort of bad base for the purpose: it's slow and can't keep up with the strike package, it's not exactly that heavy and can take only thish# much fuel. But this is only a start of the story.
Buddy tankers were a forced USN solution, which came with lots of compromises.
Lazy AI table for reference:
View attachment 148216
Buddy tankers, due to the nature of really unsuitable base, come with several downsides:
They burn a lot of fuel (engines, drag), they're very expensive to operate. Thus, despite technically carrying respectable fuel load(full internal+2-4 tanks), their transferable fuel at range sucks, terribly.
Buddy tankers work best in two ways:
1, to immediately refuel strike aircraft after take off and climb. This way they can take off with full weapon load with low fuel, but still reach full strike range. Tanker immediately returns.
2, to give small "sips" on the route in a combined load(for example, tanker/escort). Escort/tanker, that can take on some useful low drag a2a load(for example, 2 amraams, 2 sidewinders).
MQ-25 tried to get the best of both worlds, with 15000 pounds at 500 nmi on just one engine, without pilot and risks (still can't truly keep up, but you can simply pre-position them).
Reality got more mixed, however, because damn thing costs almost 150 million apiece in serial production (!). That's two F-35(or more than half of type 31 frigate) for a price of one flying fuel tank, that can't even take full internal F-35 worth of fuel.
Yes, it's small, foldable and convenient on the deck; yes, it has great potential to refuel drone operations. But absurdity is visible: whether this was the goal or not, it is not a readily disposable asset, and its ability to extend carrier wing range for the price isn't that impressive.
How GJ-11 will compare? Hard to say, but tbh something more dedicated and, above else, much larger is probably desirable.