KJ-600 carrierborne AEWC thread & possible KY-600 (?) COD aircraft


Registered Member
That is definitely the most definitive way of calling it, good observation.

I feel like this is from a theme park, or even a picture taken of some toy models in a scaled down environment.

That or the place is real but both aircraft are renders and they are using the J-15 to hide that the model behind is an E-2D, also it also has the flaps extended in a manner the E-2 does plus what seems to be the hinges under the ailerons.


Also, there is a third stealthy looking plane behind them.


A slightly better version of the image.



Lieutenant General
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Also a slightly better image.
View attachment 130207

P.S. is that a Y-20B on the lower left corner?

It's impossible to tell if it's a Y-20B or not at this level of detail, and even if it is a Y-20B it's no big deal given we've seen lots of them in much clearer pictures on satellite and on the ground than that.

It does look like perhaps one or more of the engines are inconsistent in size with the rest, which makes me wonder if it's possibly a Y-20 engine testbed, but it doesn't look exactly the same as the Y-20 engine testbed with the CJ-1000A we saw over a year ago because the CJ-1000A on that aircraft was installed on the left inboard mount whereas on this it is hard to tell which of the engine positions may be present or modified from standard.

It's probably more convenient to pretend that Y-20 isn't even there so we aren't tempted to talk about it simply because the image quality is so bad and there's probably nothing that interesting to quibble over lol