JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


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In fact that image is from March 2023

How could it be a licensed Taurus?? It's totally different!!
My suspicion was Raad-1 or -2.
The FAS article says likely Raad-1, possibly -2, but not Taimoor.

Fascinating, Nukes for Jeff

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The FAS title is a bit perplexing. Mirage was the nuclear delivery platform for PAF, and it is being replaced by JF-17 which should logically indicate that JF-17 will have nuclear delivery capabilities.


Most strike jets are capable of delivery nuclear tip missiles or bombs. JF-17 certainly can carry one. The antique Q5A was said to have this capability, as well as A-5 Skyhawk.


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Taimoor ALCM is a 100% home grown Pakistani cruise missile - no lineage with anything else and is the result of iterative devlopment from the original Ra'ad series. Cruise missiles are a strategic objective for Pakistan to have full homegrown control over.