JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


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I think what we are saying here is that certain tweet doesn't contain additional information and do not need to be posted. If you have new photos, then feel free to post them here, but posting tweet that simply state old news doesn't really help the forum or the thread. It just clusters up news that people actually want to read. So please keep that in mind when you are posting stuff here, whether it's in this thread or other ones.


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Well I am inclined to agree that posts which do not add new information are not valuable....but there's probably a better way to phrase that than insulting people. Point is correct, delivery a bit harsh.
I think what we are saying here is that certain tweet doesn't contain additional information and do not need to be posted. If you have new photos, then feel free to post them here, but posting tweet that simply state old news doesn't really help the forum or the thread. It just clusters up news that people actually want to read. So please keep that in mind when you are posting stuff here, whether it's in this thread or other ones.

Kindly note....
  • Is the news fresh or outdated? "- Since PFX hasn't yet addressed it on SDF, this information is new.
  • Is the information accurate? - Yes, PAF has acknowledged the PFX project.
  • Is the tweet outdated? - No, The tweet was shared on May 13th.
  • Was that fanboy stuff? - No, it's an officially recognized fact.
This guy's unusual answer (Name Calling/Labelling) was only a result of him receiving a stiff reprimand in PDF, which made him refuse to accept this project as feasible.

Like one of our member quoted in following post...

Both the PF-X and J-31 are officially acknowledged by the PAF, meanwhile our German friend here is like "How daaaaareyouuuuu!!1!1!" whenever one posts about it.

There are individuals here who have made hawkish approaches the norm.
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Kindly note....
  • Is the news fresh or outdated? "- Since PFX hasn't yet addressed it on SDF, this information is new.
  • Is the information accurate? - Yes, PAF has acknowledged the PFX project.
  • Is the tweet outdated? - No, The tweet was shared on May 13th.
  • Was that fanboy stuff? - No, it's an officially recognized fact.
This guy's unusual answer (Name Calling/Labelling) was only a result of him receiving a stiff reprimand in PDF, which made him refuse to accept this project as feasible.

Like one of our member quoted in following post...

Slowly I'm truly loosing my patience with you! First, read what I said and then think about it, second stop with these constant stupid taunts and swipes and thirdly, stop spreading lies. Take this therefor as a clear warning!

  1. I clearly wrote: "this is not the old or even new PDF, where some fan-boys constantly post already 100-times posted images again to increase their number of post!"
    So I didn't call you personally a fan boy, but rather I warned you not to do it like fan boys - just like "FOOLS_NIGHTMARE" and "ghazi52" well known at the PDF - since they are literally competing to re-post old photos that have already been posted 100 times every day. Also it was addressed were those even bigger fan boys like "Zarvan" and "MastanKhan" who pick up every rumour, no matter how stupid, whip it up and present it as the latest 5th generation or even almost 6th generation variant.
    The fact that you felt targeted by the accusation of being a fan boy was not intentional, but it also says a lot.

  2. I didn't receive any reprimand in the PDF - quite the opposite - since exactly the fan fan boys in the 2nd category have been warned in the strongest possible way not to exaggerate these rumours any more and present such ideas based on "brother I heard" or this more than vague "something" as a fact.

    And so back to the topic and point 3:

  3. "PFX hasn't yet addressed it on SDF" Yes, simply because there is nothing about it. "Yes, PAF has acknowledged the PFX project." but just as PFX, not as a semi-stealthy new variant, not as - again overhyped by "Zarvan" - a medium-weight 4.75th generation twin engined fighter ...based on "brother I know" but simply just as PFX.
    And if you stick to the few sensible credible people at the PDF, apply some common sense and understanding how PAC Kamra works, then this PFX is most likely an experimental program to either integrate new systems (weapons & or avionics) or to increase the proportion of its own components, but definitely nothing like these "fan-boy"-theories.

    And as such to point 4: Yes, this Tweet is new, but not the message behind it, which was actually not spread here, but why should it? Does it make sense to spread any "new" and recent Tweet or news from any random fan reposting old stories just since the tweet is new?


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Old prototype with splitter intake
View attachment 131608

Falcon Talon 2024 exercise with USAF F-16s and C-17
View attachment 131609

View attachment 131610
View attachment 131611

Don't get me wrong, but we just had the same discussion in the J-10 thread and therefore take this as a warning!

We are not here for posting just random, unconnected and old images just for fun.

Either it is a new and recent image or something relevant to discuss but purely posting images just for fun is not wanted in this forum.