JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


Registered Member
Seems like a good deal, Argentina is buying at a pretty low price of about 60 million $ per airframe, but the JF-17 was made to not cost that much to produce.

If they buy it as a low end platform, they'll eventually need a high end one later. It might be possible to get expensive 4.5 gens sold to them. If Argentina wishes to reignite old anti-colonial ambitions, it would be the right thing for China to sell the needed equipment.

Since the JF-17 isn't used by the Air force itself, the danger of a leak is as low as possible.


Lieutenant General
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The problem with Argentina is its economy is pretty much isolated from where the main consumer areas are. South America in general suffers from this issue. Most people on Earth live in the Northern Hemisphere and that is where most of the wealth is.
Perhaps if land transportation in South America, like rail, improves, trade in between South American nations improves, economy is boosted, and Africa develops. Otherwise it is difficult. Argentina got a big agricultural economy, then tried to do a huge jump into industrial production. But it is hard to justify a big industry with a limited market to serve. So most industry floundered and today needs massive subsidies or would totally implode. Brazil has way more population and they haven't cracked that nut either.


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A fighter for Argentina; "A confession on the part, relay of evidence"

By Marcelo R. Cimino Argondizzo

Last Tuesday, July 5, the meeting between the United States ambassador, H.E. Marc Robert Stanley and the members of the Committee on Foreign Relations and Worship, of the Senate of the Argentine Republic. During it, Ambassador Stanley maintained a fluid exchange with Argentine officials, on the various points of interest of the northern nation.

Given the international context, among the relevant issues they highlighted the global need for food and energy, the potential of our country to meet these needs, together with the explicit admission of the United States Government's desire to participate with its companies. Among other concerns, the Argentine legislators reminded the ambassador of "the Malvinas issue" and the British refusal to comply with the UN mandate, referring to reestablishing negotiations regarding Argentine sovereignty over the archipelago, usurped since January 3, 1833 .

Stanley's response was: “I realized that the Malvinas is a very emotional issue for you. I hate that dispute for several reasons. We cannot sell arms to Argentina that contain British parts. In addition, the conflict prevents more English investments in Argentina”
Beyond the apparent inconsistency of the response, there is an unprecedented admission by the US official.

Assuming our limitations, at the time of the analysis referred to international politics, we cannot overlook the explicit reference and outside the public record regarding the supply of weapons systems.
Our Nation is analyzing the incorporation of aerial combat material, being the United States, an almost "obligatory" reference supplier. The northern country does not usually let a "comma" go by in this regard, without noting its pressure and/or, in the best of cases, carrying out strong lobbies in favor of its products and companies. So much so, that the US proposals for Argentine needs, formulated in the last 2 years, have been (only in aerospace): systems such as the A/F-18 Hornet Legacy (former Kuwaitis) and F-16 A/B MLU (former Danes).

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JF-17 seems to be leading the race so far for Argentina

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The JF-17 Thunder is emerging as the future fighter-bomber of the Argentine Air Force​

In the recent
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, one of the topics discussed was about the selection process for the future fighter-bomber of the Argentine Air Force (FAA).
Within the progress made, the JEMGFAA gave details of the visit made by a delegation from the FAA to the facilities of the company CATIC ( China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation ), located in the province of Chengdú, China,
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The Argentine delegation analyzed the JF-17 Thunder through the use of simulators, practices inside the cockpit and carrying out test flights. The results of the tests have been satisfactory and the aircraft met the delegation's expectations. In particular, the offer made would include an important logistical support package and optimal financing conditions.
Another aspect considered during the selection process, which is still ongoing, is the possibility of incorporating state-of-the-art weapons. In this section, the Chinese proposal is favorable, which would allow the FAA to have an aircraft with good performance in force for the current world scenario. The JF-17 Block III, in its latest variant, would be powered by an engine assembly of Chinese origin. This option would be the one chosen by the Argentine Air Force.

On competition with F-16, the JF-17 seems to be winning
For its part, the proposal for the acquisition of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter-bombers from the Royal Danish Air Force is also on the way; proposal approached by the United States government . One of the main aspects for the comprehensive evaluation of the aircraft is, as is the case with the JF-17 Thunder, the incorporation of weapons with deterrence capacity. Faced with this, Brigadier Isaac stated that the request was made to the United States government contemplating a minimum amount of weapons that represents the incorporation of new capabilities for the Argentine Air Force.
It should be noted that none of the offers made to date have been ruled out, since the analysis of other systems is still ongoing. However, from the statements made in the aforementioned interview, the balance seems to lean towards the JF-17, considering the impressions obtained by the delegation after their visit to CATIC, the motorization of the aircraft in its latest variant -called Block III- of Chinese origin, the wide range of weapons, and the financing conditions.


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JF-17 seems to be leading the race so far for Argentina

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On competition with F-16, the JF-17 seems to be winning
Sounds like having a Chinese engine is a plus for the Argentines. Is this just to minimize the number of country dependencies or are there some issues between Argentina and Russia?