Interesting points there @plawolf. In perspective, the Swedish JAS-39 and Korean F/A-50 that the Turks are considering, are not top-tier aircraft either, both are relatively lightweight aircraft, F/A-50 will be an upgraded trainer aircraft. Against these competitors, the JF-17, especially future "blocks" of the aircraft, can arguably fare better.
Even in the current block, Pakistanis were considering using Selex-Galileo Griffo radar, as Pakistan had done with the Chinese F-7Ps and F-7PGs(MG) in it's inventory. However, when pitted against the Chinese offering, the NRIET KLJ-7, the Chinese radar out-performed the Selex-Galileo one in tests where they were pitted against each other. It should be recognized that Selex-Galileo is a top-tier European vendor which also makes the radar and avionics components of the Eurofighter, though ofcourse the radar offered for the JF-17 wasn't the best product in it's inventory. Also, many people have said that a smaller AESA radar(perhaps with a rotating dish, like JAS-39's AESA project) is also under development by NRIET for future JF-17 blocks. Compared to the F-16s that the Turks already fly, the aircraft has superior manouverability to the F-16 Block-15 that Pakistan has(Block-15 is the most manouverable Block of the F-16), but it's avionics are inferior to the latest Block-52 F-16s that the PAF acquired(PAF officials said the JF-17 is 80% as capable as -52).
Also, it should be noted that the F-16 is a mature and aged design, the JF-17 is in it's infancy. F-16 has come a long way from it's original performance level that it delivered in 1976.
All in all, there are many factors. Turkey's foreign relations definitely come into play. The reason they don't want their whole airforce to be US-dependant is their recent deterioration of relations with the Israelis(Israel still refuses to appologise for the Turks that were killed in the Israeli raid on the Turkish flotila boats). On an entirely different level, what level of performance JF-17 Block II, or future blocks offer, also matters(JF-17 is supposed to have blocks of 50 aircraft, with each newer block using upgraded avionics available then). China may be a little behind the westerners in some areas, but the pace of development is tremendous.
Even in the current block, Pakistanis were considering using Selex-Galileo Griffo radar, as Pakistan had done with the Chinese F-7Ps and F-7PGs(MG) in it's inventory. However, when pitted against the Chinese offering, the NRIET KLJ-7, the Chinese radar out-performed the Selex-Galileo one in tests where they were pitted against each other. It should be recognized that Selex-Galileo is a top-tier European vendor which also makes the radar and avionics components of the Eurofighter, though ofcourse the radar offered for the JF-17 wasn't the best product in it's inventory. Also, many people have said that a smaller AESA radar(perhaps with a rotating dish, like JAS-39's AESA project) is also under development by NRIET for future JF-17 blocks. Compared to the F-16s that the Turks already fly, the aircraft has superior manouverability to the F-16 Block-15 that Pakistan has(Block-15 is the most manouverable Block of the F-16), but it's avionics are inferior to the latest Block-52 F-16s that the PAF acquired(PAF officials said the JF-17 is 80% as capable as -52).
Also, it should be noted that the F-16 is a mature and aged design, the JF-17 is in it's infancy. F-16 has come a long way from it's original performance level that it delivered in 1976.
All in all, there are many factors. Turkey's foreign relations definitely come into play. The reason they don't want their whole airforce to be US-dependant is their recent deterioration of relations with the Israelis(Israel still refuses to appologise for the Turks that were killed in the Israeli raid on the Turkish flotila boats). On an entirely different level, what level of performance JF-17 Block II, or future blocks offer, also matters(JF-17 is supposed to have blocks of 50 aircraft, with each newer block using upgraded avionics available then). China may be a little behind the westerners in some areas, but the pace of development is tremendous.