I assume it would include smaller FACs, submarines, smaller auxiliaries, and other assets (aircraft?) as well, not just large ocean going surface ships?
Sorry, Bltiz, the Type 022 and other FAC's do not have the range or the endurance for such exercises out that far into the open Pacific Ocean, nor were they designed to. As I said initially, you can count them out.
The SSKs, do not have the speed or the endurance to be a part of such large exercises pitting two fast surface action groups against one another on the high seas either and were most probably not a part. The SSNs? Sure.
But, for grin's sake, even if you added all the Songs (13), Yauns (12), and Kilos (12) into the exercise...all 37 of them...with the initial 58 I documented in my intial post, you are still short of 100 vessels. And as I said, NO WAY
could the PLAN send them all, because 20% or more would be in scheduled refit and maintenance. And NO WAY
would the PLAN send all that were available, because then there would be nothing to cover and defend the China Sea or their own coast with. So even if you added the SSKs...you would still end up with a maximum exercise of something like 30 ships...and that would be a maximum number.
It was never anywhere near 100. It was never even close.
But, at this point we do not need to even speculate. We now know a whole lot more about the constitution of the group. It seems like it was ten vessels. Four DDGs, five FFGs and an AOR vessel. That's still a fairly large exercise, and an involved group of major PLAN combatants holding those exercises. But still nothing like the rediculous assertion that the Chinese had 100 ships out there conducting mock battles against one another.