Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra
Of course they haven't. Your overinflation of the importance of Scarborough Shoal is unconvincing. Japan and the US have ZERO geostrategic interest in this rock and will certainly not risk a shooting war with China over it. DYT is another matter entirely. Not only does it serve as part of the chain of islands helping to block China's easy access to the rest of the Pacific, it also holds significant economic interest for Japan as a marker from which to extend its EEZ, and as a political marker for the hardliners of Japan to test any Japanese leadership in regards to their 'patriotic' credentials. Sailing at will to and from DYT is also not grounds for opening fire unless you're delusional. OTOH, attempting to occupy land that is currently controlled by Japan is certainly grounds for war. Only the most biased or dimwitted are unable to see the difference between sailing through DYT territorial waters and trying to take actual permanent control of a piece of property administered by Japan. And if China was as unconcerned with international opinion as some of you, it would not have even cared to confirm or deny Japan's claim to being lit up by Chinese radar. But in fact pretexts and excuses are highly important in the international arena (hello Gulf of Tonkin). If China plays its cards right and correctly fails to heed the idiot voices of its bellicose nationalists, Japan will have no pretext for anything and China will be able to sit back, enjoy its current advantage, and wait for Japan to do something stupid. But it seems far too many people would prefer that China be stupid first.In international geopolitics, especially one involving intense rivalry like in this case, there's no such thing as lack of excuse, only lack of capability. If there's no excuse, make one up, like imaginary WMD etc, easy.
As for "force the US hand in coming down solidly on the side of the Japanese", again it's a question of capability.
US has sent F22, carriers, nuke subs to aid not only Japan but Phillipines as well, making very public appearances & I'm sure many more behind the scene. And what do we have now ? China in control of Schaborough Shoal & sailing at will into Diaoyu.
That's why I said some time ago instead of countless inconclusive posts of PLA vs US forces based on techs/tactics, just look at what's obvious right before our eyes, of very intense & real face off of the 2 recently & the outcome so far.
US/Japan have more than enough 'excuses' to shoot at PLA by now if they're confident of the outcome.