Gollevainen said:yea, we shouldnt look all flat topped 10 tonners as LPHs...
Now, the French and the Russians operated real, pure helicopter ships.
The French Jeanne d' Arc:
The Russians Moskva
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Gollevainen said:yea, we shouldnt look all flat topped 10 tonners as LPHs...
MIGleader said:why does the moskova looked like a red X?
Gollevainen said:well Whit LPH, i mean at least some sort of amphibious capapility....
the japanese DDH proposal=amphibous light carrier
just look at it!! it can clearly handle stols and vtols with ease!
such a ship also would forfit japans complaning rights if chna builds a "DDH"
well, there is a threa in the world military forum called south koreas naval rearmament with a pic of an lpx.
Anyway i'm bit amaized about this sudden ethusiaism for LPHs...USMC realized that the Iwo Jima class wasen't a complete succes as it relied sole for helicopters. Bad weather is way too limiting factor and also the fact that no heavy equipment could be transported. Therefor the Wasp and Tarawas have docking wells...
bd popeye said:MIGleader I meant to say does anyone have any pics of the JMSDF new DDH uner construction. I can't find any...
bd popeye said:So very true.