The most and reason Japan does not pursue nukes is article 9 of the Japanese constitution. The second is the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty that Japan had ratified in the end of the 60's. Neither the US or PRC has any say into this and never had.
The US does not control Japan just like the US does not control any other nations. They may influence and persuade but at the end each and every nation determines their own fate based on their own national interest.
So please will you boys stop with these hallucinations as if one nation has complete control over the other.
Exactly, that's the grand scheme here that won't work, the US values Japan as a close defense partner and ally, and has since very shortly after the end of WW II.. just as we value Taiwan, South Korea, and the Phillipines. but and if Taiwan or Korea choose to "step under" the PRC's umbrella?? ie the Phillipines and new President of South Korea are making noise, let em go.
I really don't see Japan ever cow-towing to Bejing, I really don't, I certainly never would were I in their shoes???
but, little Jr. High girls play those kind of games, trying to take away friends from others??? LOL