Re: J-xx
After 2 weeks, I made a new frame...
Its back is based on the YF-23 Black Widow 2 and the wings Delta style based on the MFI 1.44. The air-intake is going to be based on the YF-23 again and with carnads and 3-D TVCs.
Sumdud, you are completely right, even the Russians claim that their 1.44 isnt stealthy to a level compared to the Raptor, and the Russians are focusing on plasma stealth instead.
The intake might be a problem, in fact, the 1.44 style is impossible for a true stealth, this is why I chose the YF-23, from reports of testes, it is more flexible and better at a certain speed, the difference was the the Black Widow 2 and the Raptor were using 2 COMPLETELY different engines.
MiGLeader, the 1.44 and the Raptor ARE perfect for China to fiddle around with, the J-XX project should be handled the same way as China's 3rd generation tanks or how America did the ATF project, let CAC and SAC apporach different ways and you never know, one can be the conductor of the project and the other can be the sub-contractor of parts like... radar and hardpoints in the plane, HUD, MFD, blah, blah, blah
Even if China comes out with something less stealthy by frame, China always can joint develop plasma tech with Russia and that can give China an edge, I say instead of just frames and engines and missiles, China should look for oppotunities for J-XX enhancement and whatever possible to increase the plane for a low cost.