That's true. Do you know, Brat, that these artists in China used to have a habit of adding rocket launchers to each and every fighters in their drawing... Actually, I heard of this on fourms like this.

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------
Personally, I believe the J-20 will be equiped to be able to carry external loads. But I don't recall reading anything that says about its design in this regard.
Well I was never an artist, although I drew lots of crude looking airplanes, and One good looking airplane, they all had guns, its kind of a guy thang, my wife tells me that I'm still stuck in the 70's? I absolutely concur that somebody had seen the J-20, and to be honest lots of guys make a good living out of drawing our favorite airplanes. The J-20 is either gorgeous or ordinary depending on the artist, the poor little F-35 always looks a little dumpy from the side, but is attractive from several angles, although the T-50 vertical stabs appear slightly small, it doesn't have a bad angle, after watching the Raptor at Oskosh, I am still in love, and am sick that production was discontinued. I am fairly certain that as the flight envelope is expanded with the J-20, we will see a more typical flight test pattern of fly a little, tweak a lot, I would bet good money that the J-20 hasn't been to far into post-stall regime, but when they do, the drag chute, may become the spin chute, may be no sweat, maybe a glute clincher? Thats why they call it flight testing, those things will determine what form and flight characteristics the J-20 will embody. I know everyone takes offense at the term interceptor, but in the real world, turning and burning is a low energy-high thrust-high risk environment.
---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
So the same plane has to go back to base and reload using external weapons after they used up all of its internal weapons?
In any truly high risk environment the Raptor is going to be the go to bird, and as of today, it is still the only operational fifth gen fighter, depending on the economy? who knows who will be flying what in the future, and at what date, the J-20 is in a good situation economically, realize that the Raptor first flew in 1995, and wasn't IOC until 2005, and there are lots of hurdles in this level of aircraft. Having said that to answer your question the F-35 would operate on internal stores only in a high risk environment, and would do so until the risk has been lowered. It is still quite capable and I apologize if my initial statement may imply otherwise, thats actually why she looks a little "chesty"! My real concern with the F-35 is that everything hangs on stealth an super-zoot weapons sytems, and an overall systems approach. The Raptor in comparison is very fast in super-cruise, very agile if you do get drawn into the turn and burn, and you can leave if things aren't going your way, call them the three aces up your sleeve? Remember, in a gunfight, cheat, cheat, cheat, the other guy may say you cheated but, thats why I always say it doesn't matter if you were the smart guy that dreamed up the tech, or if you bought it, or if you "borrowed"? it. Remember, we had the coolest, quitest. awwsomest, submarine perpellor, till some guy named Walker, shared it with his "friends" and yes I know its called a screw.