Take a closer look at the picture of the guy video taping the J-20 and see if you find anything unusual.
Something that just occurred to me is, where does the mirrors go with a single piece canopy?
The J20 has by far the best pilot visibility of any Chinese fighter, and is as good as anything in the world, but it is not as quick or easy to check your six without mirrors.
Has F16 pilots or F22 pilots ever mentioned issues with regards to this in exercises?
Hmmm ... actually only that the whole picture has beed some added blurrnessand both engines look (very much) the same ... I don't know.
Besides that I would like to see this picture without sinature and pixeling in the "interesting"areas !!
You awful human being.You guys are always too serious about this stuff. I was talking about something completely different. I would like to post the picture here but the popeye would probably not allow it. Go to the fy-js website I posted and find the picture where you can see a guy video taping the J-20 (possibly for a documentary). Then go to the lower right corner of the picture. Worst photobomber in Chinese military history.
You awful human being.