Seige, leading edge devices are a passive device that increases the camber of the wing, they may be manually deployed, flight control system deployed or as they were in the early days employed by aerodynamic loads. For example, with the aircraft on the ground the leading edge extensions would be fully deployed, during the takeoff roll and in the low speed regime they remained deployed until increasing airspeed increased pressure on the leading edge and pushes them into their low drag, fully retracted position, where they were flush and smoothed out high speed airflow. In high angle of attack manuever they would deploy as needed to increase lift in the low speed or high aoa condition. They are not a pitch control surface, per se and yes the F-15s pitch is controlled by stabilators, once again if memory serves me correctly the max aoa of the F-15 is around 35 degrees. If I'm wrong we will both hear about it.
I think I understand now. So in a canard delta aircraft the canards control pitch in a turn and in a pure delta aircraft the rear control surfaces take the place of the horizontal stabiliators?