J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Goodboy's video now on youtube. Embedded for your convenience:


Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Thanks for posting that link A.Man and to Siege for embedding it, beautifull video, nice music, what is it? I really like the back up light guys, and the ruddervator canted over like that reminds me of the 58 Chevy, which I think is purdy. I'm not a huge fan of canards, but I do notice that they have a lot of dihedral, which a little research said was to keep the turbulent flow off of the delta. Also some noted a lot of bobbing with associatted control deflection, I assume your're not talking about the bobbing that results every time you hit the brakes for speed reduction and preparing to turn, on all jet aircraft as you taxi. Thats just the nose gear oleo strut compressing and extending. One question I do have is that as the pilot checks that controls are free and correct the surfaces seem to flic very rapidly, is that the fly by wire? and related question, is the control stick side mounted? It looks a little odd because usually when you check for free and correct, you move the controls from full deflection to full deflection, feeling for any binding and visually checking that each surface moves through its full range from stop to stop.
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Argh, Video is not available in Germany because of copyright infringement regarding the music. What the heck, 5hrs after uploading. And 51 is too damn slow. If someone finds the footage without the music, please advise.


Argh, Video is not available in Germany because of copyright infringement regarding the music. What the heck, 5hrs after uploading. And 51 is too damn slow. If someone finds the footage without the music, please advise.

Probably some other problem other than the website. The speed looks normal from my side.


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I know that the military programs from mainland China are notorious for inaccurate info but perhaps there are some relevant info from this one?

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中新网12月30日电 解放军少将、中国军事科学学会副秘书长罗援30日做客中新网《新闻大家谈》时向广大网友介绍了颇受瞩目的歼-20战机。罗援少将说,歼-20战机已经达到国际先进水平,与美俄最先进的战机相比各有优劣。但歼-20飞机将更多是进行国土防空,所以在某些方面中国不用去跟别人争“最豪华版的飞机”。

  要客观对待歼-20实力 不妄自菲薄不妄自尊大



  歼-20与F-22相比各有优劣 “心脏病”问题未完全解决





The PLA officer interviewed said that he believe the J-20 will be intended for air defense purposes. Its larger size indicate larger weapons load/range than the F-22. He also believes that the engine is an AL-31F variant (117s?). Over all he said not to over or underestimate the J-20's capabilities.


I know that the military programs from mainland China are notorious for inaccurate info but perhaps there are some relevant info from this one?

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The PLA officer interviewed said that he believe the J-20 will be intended for air defense purposes. Its larger size indicate larger weapons load/range than the F-22. He also believes that the engine is an AL-31F variant (117s?). Over all he said not to over or underestimate the J-20's capabilities.

Interesting....So it not an 'Air Dominance Fighter' but an 'Air Defense Fighter'? Sounds a bit like an interceptor.....


You should view that as defensive mission vs. offensive mission. Achieving air-dominance does not contradict with a defensive objective.
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