J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Lieutenant General
The maker of the J-20 would likely design the aircraft based on performance requirement alone, just like they do for other earlier gen aircrafts. To them, how it'll turn out aesthetically is almost irrelevant. I suspect American aircraft designers work towards making an aircraft that meets both the performance and aesthetics department.

*cough* F32 ;)


Lieutenant General
I feel J20 looks more alive, more similar to a living animal. It's also more masculine. But I still feel the rear end near the engine was a half ass job by the designer.
F22 on the other hand looks a bit like it's designed early stage computer software, which it was. It's too lego like.

Considering the J20's intended engines are not even ready yet, what did you expect?

It would be silly to waste time and effort to make the back-end look pretty when the plan has always been to put in new engines and maybe also new nozzles for the initial production model. The current engine solution is a space holder, and that is why it doesn't look polished.

Fact of the matter is, for a first prototype, the J20 is actually remarkably polished and refined as it is.


Banned Idiot
The maker of the J-20 would likely design the aircraft based on performance requirement alone, just like they do for other earlier gen aircrafts. To them, how it'll turn out aesthetically is almost irrelevant. I suspect American aircraft designers work towards making an aircraft that meets both the performance and aesthetics department.

any designer works for functionality, not aesthetics, we humans give the beauty based upon many factors.

The J-20 is beautiful in its own way, i do not think it is ugly, but definitively i like more J-10B, i like more ventral intakes and twin seaters.

T-50 is not ugly but it does not make me feel is very beautiful.

The F-22 is rather conventional but i like its radome is more ogive like, J-20`s is more triangular or conic.

In looks i like more the F-22 than T-50, F-35 or J-20 of these 5th generation fighters.

From 4th generation my favorites are F-16, MiG-29 and F-14, but in reality i like most 4th generations F-15, F-18, Rafale, Lavi and Su-27 i feel they are really beautiful and Gripen, Eurofighter, AMX,LCA, Harrier, Ching Kuo, JH-7A or J-10 are okay but not my favorites, Mirage 2000 and MiG-31 well are okay but they are not my favorite too.

Third generation well MiG-23, AJ-37, A-4, Su-24, F-111 are my favorites.

But if someone asks me what jets i really like i would say MiG-29, Su-24, F-14 and F-16
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Senior Member
you're old school, my favorite aircraft is Su-27
J-20 and T-50 will have to wait until they come of age

and yes no engineer design for aesthetics, but as they say if it looks good, it flies good


Banned Idiot
you're old school, my favorite aircraft is Su-27
J-20 and T-50 will have to wait until they come of age

and yes no engineer design for aesthetics, but as they say if it looks good, it flies good

well i was borned in 1971, when i was a child, the MiG-23 was a very secretive fighter few pictures were available, in 1986 i saw the first pictures of MiG-29 and as a 15 year old boy i was over excited, my first glimpse of a chinese designed jet was a rare picture of a J-8 in the late 1980s.

I watched Topgun many times.

Now is incredible you just get on line and you find videos pictures and J-20 was an internet product, when i was a boy a magazine my brother bought titled Soviet military magazine had few pictures of MiG-23Ms that were like gold for my young mind.

now at 40, well yeah i grew on the Topgun generation, i am of the generation Eurofighter was super modern now Eurofighter loooks obsolete compared to J-20 and MiG-29 a cold war relic and the MiG-23 well as the Me-109 was in 1984 when my brother gave me as a present that magazine


Su-27 / Flanker series are all beautiful aircraft. The Soviet Blackjack bomber is also quite elegant.

Of course, can you really say an aircraft is actually attractive? What I mean is that you build up connotations regarding their attractiveness based on their performance; what you see is a symbol of military might or technological capability, and that symbolic character clouds your perception of their actual aesthetic worth. The YF-32 might have been quite beautiful if you saw in constant aerobatic maneuver.


Senior Member
yes that's one way to define it, it's each person's perception

when i see F-22 doing tight Gs or vertical climb, it's a powerful beast
when i see a Flanker yaws, turns and rolls, i see a graceful plane
J-20 is hmm... enigmatic? dark and mysterious, black paints do work wonders!

@getready, sexy = the same excitement without the lust

@Great China, and you probably never will


Lieutenant General
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May I ask what these "my fighter is nicer than Yours ?" or "I like better ... !" has to do with J-20-news ??? :(

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