J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Actually I see only slight bobbing during the take off which could be due to a slight flipping of the elevon during that time. I remember seeing a video of the elevons and stabilizers flipping wildly during take off. The oscillation could also be due to the undulating surface of the runway somehow matching close to the oscillaton frequency of the undercarriage.

It's the other way around: the movement of the control surfaces is a response by the FBW to the of uneven surface of the runway.


In other words the FBW thinks that the movements of the plane due to uneveness of the runway as the plane's movements in flight and tries to correct it using the control surfaces?


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youtube version of the flight video, embedded for your convenience:



I think the J-20 has two landing parachutes instead of one like single engined J-10, so that each chute catches part of the thrust from each of the two engines.

If you only have one chute, it might deviate and catches jet exhaust from one of the two engines predominantly, making it dangerous for the plane during landing.
The chutes are deployed after touch down, so there is no danger. But PLAAF will use only one type of chute so the heavier aircraft will need two chutes.


It's the other way around: the movement of the control surfaces is a response by the FBW to the of uneven surface of the runway.

If the FBW were to actually counteract the undulating movement, instead of letting it be, the aerodynamic drag would be increased considerably. I saw the wild flipping of the control surfaces in only one of the many videos of J-20 taking off and I presumed it was part of the scheduled testings in the particular flight test.


Lieutenant General
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Very nice !!! Did You notice at 0:30/0:31 the PU/JFS exhaust flame ! :eek:
Besides that ... what (number ?) flight was it ???



Senior Member
yep saw that, can't wait to see more, this video is good, but we need more and better, cmon Chengdu fence climbers
you people with SLRs, stop hiding the photos!
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