J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Here are some more ...

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y j s.cn/bbs/htm_data/27/1110/612420.html

...esp. this one ! :eek:


  • J-20 - 11.10.11 - 06.jpg
    J-20 - 11.10.11 - 06.jpg
    30.4 KB · Views: 106


Lieutenant General
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Besides that any info on what's the number of flighty by now ??

Counting flights seems to be no longer that interesting for the spotters :( or the security has been improved around CAC.



ok... this is very mysterious to me, why are the canards angled downward even though the plane is pitching up? is it something to do with the air flowing above the canards are at a very very low pressure that the plane is forced to pitch up?


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Besides that any info on what's the number of flighty by now ??

Counting flights seems to be no longer that interesting for the spotters :( or the security has been improved around CAC.


Probably in the 40s by now... No one kept track. It is just a mundane occurrence these days.


ok... this is very mysterious to me, why are the canards angled downward even though the plane is pitching up? is it something to do with the air flowing above the canards are at a very very low pressure that the plane is forced to pitch up?

Looks to me the plane is banking to one side and at the same time climbing up.


New Member
because deflection angle of canard doesn't equal to the AOA of canard. even deflected downwards it's still very likely positive AOA
IMO on higher angle of attack the incidence of the canard doesn't have to be as high as the main wing to generate the necessary pitching moment to trim, and that's highly related to static margin and EAS maybe?

Well i.e. is the right person to ask :)
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