J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


Two more for the weekend. Full afterburners.



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The three of them (Shilao, Ayi and Yankee) spoke at length today in their podcast about Rick Joe's article as well as the going between among Chinese and foreign military watchers. For the article they spoke positively of it and didn't find anything that they would object at. The consider the tone of the article a bit like a popular science article - ie intended to give the reader a quick overview of the subject. Which when the subject is J-20 should be considered positive given the preconceived notions people have about PLAAF aircraft (that of being inferior Russian clones).

That is accurate and is the exact intent of my articles in general.

They are meant to give a consolidated summary to people who may be unfamiliar with a given topic or otherwise be under obsolete or false impressions.


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A J-20 in PLAAF colors with WS-10B(?) and AL-31F from a Chinese military TV program. This photo likely existed sometime ago. Posted by @牧星观海天 on Weibo.

View attachment 116808

In fact I don't think these are different engines, from my understanding this image is from a clip showing J-20s at Wuhu all assigned to the 9th AB, and so they are all AL-31FN (or FM) powered ones. Even more we have seen already differently coloured exhausts before, IMO most likely due to one engine being replaced.