Thank you! That was an excellent read.
Its actually quite astounding just how much the final product ended up matching the original theorycrafting. I'm sure there were many smaller revisions and compromises on the way, but overall it seemed they nailed down the fundamentals* and then smoothly (not to mention quickly!) materialised an accurate theory into a useful reality.
*The only point that stuck out was the Caret intakes. I'm guessing DSI hadn't been fully explored yet. I'm just trying to imagine a J-20 with Caret intakes haha, on a non-serious point I wonder if it would look better or worse aesthetically!
Anyway, I've got many rabbit holes to go down now. I'm going to get started on that reading list.
Not only caret intakes but also belly intakes. Canards are close coupled in the OG design for better vortex generation. But in the end they went for the stealthier design as requirements changed.