well, how much can you upgrade with an ancient platform like F-22? After all, the thermal management system is only designed to handle so much cooling. It can't utilize a modern GaN radar.He is saying they are not competitive even with upgrades
I'm just saying that advancement in sensor technology is moving much faster than advancement in propulsion and material science.When comparing the F-22 with the J-20, a lot of folks -- however well intentioned and free of bias -- tend to forget that the former has been out of production for over a decade with fewer than 200 examples manufactured, while the latter is not only currently in production, but the subject of ongoing and significant refinement efforts by CAC.
As such, no one should be surprised or ashamed that the latest iterations of the J-20 can meet or surpass the F-22, especially block 20 Raptors, in significant ways, if not overall capabilities.
Moreover, people have been trying to compare the J-20's RCS with the F-22's RCS since at least 2011, and IMHO, it's a dead horse that folks really just ought to stop beating on, especially when there are more salient attributes in play and worth considering.
To add to the point that @tphuang seems to be making: a more productive comparison between the J-20 and F-22 would probably entail analyzing their respective sensor packages, especially say their EOTS* or lack thereof (rather than publicly unavailable RCS data).
* I know there's been some debate as to whether the J-20's EOTS is really an EOTS or something significantly more and deserving of a new acronym, but not caught up on that. So happy to defer the precise nomenclature to someone more informed.
And advancement in material science for CFRP and meta materials is moving faster than stealth shaping.
None of which is good for an awesome legacy aircraft.
So yeah, J-20 is still getting better. J-20A and J-20S are both huge improvements over J-20. I don't know why people still hold on to the idea that F-22 is the golden standard. Sure, it might have better power, maneuverability than J-20 and better stealth characteristics, but power generation and AI matter a great deal going forward. And F-22 is 90s technology.