J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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i.e. said:
On nearly all the previous programs (j-10 included) they have a problem of engine coming up short eventually retarding the overall program,*
to avoid the pitfall this time, they actually started the engine program much eariler. with a techonology program modeled on the american (IHPTET/ADVENT) technology programs to boot. this is a big wide front push. from theoritical to material sci to tooling/manufacturing.*

“Stealth jet team proves its metal
Stephen Chen*
Jan 15, 2011 SCMP.com*

Metallurgist Shi Changxu won a top national science award yesterday for his contribution to the development of high-performance jet engines - three days after the first public test flight of the mainland's J-20 stealth fighter plane.*

Professor Shi, former director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Metal Research in Shenyang, developed several families of top-secret, heat-resistant alloys, according to mainland scientists working on jet engines.*

The secret alloys were developed decades ago, but because jet engine metals take a long time to test, Shi's alloys have only recently begun to be used in the mainland's jet engines.*

In 1955, Shi left his teaching post at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and boarded a ship for the East. He was one of 30 or so Chinese scientists held by the United States government to prevent them from returning to communist China. Shi left the US about the same time as Qian Xuesen, a rocket scientist from the California Institute of Technology, who later founded the Chinese space programme.*

After he landed in Shanghai, Shi was immediately sent to Shenyang, a heavy industry base in the northeast province of Liaoning, to boost steel production. Beijing's relationship with Moscow then soured rapidly and the Russians stopped helping their old ally develop fighter jets. The military turned to Shi for help.*

With hard work, genius and luck, Shi not only came up with the required alloys using the traditional approach he learned in the West, but also devised something entirely new.*

The laboratory performance of the new alloys was so good that no one dared to use them. For safety concerns, plane designers stuck with traditional alloys for China's mass-produced jet engines, whose performance lagged significantly behind their overseas counterparts.*
Shi's alloys then began a long march for industrial acceptance. Only recently, with their application in some of the mainland's most advanced fighter jets such as the J-20, have designers fully accepted them.*

Professor Zhang Lanting, from the school of materials science and engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University, said the mainland's aviation material science sector had been waiting too long for this award.*

Some people thought China did not have the materials to make high-performance jet engines, but they were wrong, Zhang said.*

"The fact is, we have lots of top-quality materials, but to convince plane designers to use them we need to test it for decades - normally 30 years - for absolute safety," he said. "Within 10 years Chinese engines will begin to replace foreign ones in the civilian sector. In the military sector the replacement has already begun."*

Professor Wu Suojun, a specialist in new materials at Beihang University, China's top aviation research institute, said the mainland was quickly narrowing the technological gap with the world's leading engine makers.*

"With the successful test flight of the J-20 and other new planes, it is time to reward the heroes behind the scenes," Wu said.

i.e. said:
vistant said:
Notice that too, what function does this twist perform in aerodynamics?
washout out the lift on the wing surface, so the span near tips would be less loaded than inboard spans. delay the wing tip stall AND boost aileron effectiveness at high AOAs.

Now it would be more impressive if they did not have any washout at the tip.*, control configured washout via ailerons would be more cool.

BlauerMax said:
The J-20's wing actually looks kinda similar to the X-32.
with its up wing design? YES! that what I have been saying for days. and look at its MLG attachement point! structure wise it is pretty interesting.*

and onto those who said it is Mig 1.44 stealthrized. vs Flankerism of PAKFA:*
IT IS NOT MIG 1.44 Stealthrized.

the chief aerodynamicist, spelled out his entire ideas for this thing in a paper published in 90s.(?), (with quotes to Bill Sweetman to boot. ). this is not a Mig 1.44. reborn.

bill sweetman commented that this thing looks like have high wing loading.*

" Relative to Typhoon or Rafale, the wing appears more highly loaded and more sharply swept, favoring speed rather than ultimate agility. "*
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*I told you so that people can fall for this.*

with closed coupled canard/lerx, the "looks" can be deceptive.*

They will go for both speed and manueverbility, that was always the goal.

If they really went for speed over manueverbility, the canards would come off and a compound delta would come in its place.

that was one of the original proposals actually.*
But, Mr. Song said "I can do both". so wola that's what you see today.

StAndrea said:
J-20 has a flat ventral body. So you have made a mistake in basic logical operation, deductive reasoning.

But you have made a mistake in premises too. Using space reentry vehicle body design example, assuming that's lifting body design fitted for fighter jets.

So it could be said that using two mistakes, first in logic, second in physics, you've probably came to the right conclusion.
There will be some lift from the fuselage but not straight forward additions like Lift from Wing + lift from body = total lift. more like Lift from Wing + lift from body << total lift*

in the case of fighters like J-20 usually you put your entire fighter VT and all into your wing tunnel and cfd this would give you complete wing+body total lift/drag/pitching moment characteristics.

now before this there will be configurations study where aerodynamicist would do experimental studies to see what the best configuration would be to attain your over all goal to satisfy some requirement. from that you narrow down to your final configurations.*

In song's paper his conclusion on lifting body is that the energetic vortices from LERX combine that from forebody would actually generate alot lift on rear portion of the fuselage. but a pan-cake like lifting body (i.e. a wide chorded short span wing if you will) is difficult to physically align with the canard configuration and have good internal volume for stores and all.*

Here is why I think the ventral fins are staying: they actually help to generate some lift by acting on the flap rear part pf fuselage like end-plates. think of it as channel flow between engines flanker style, but with out the wide mounted engines. and as the high energy regions on the rear bottom fuselage goes, they should also get more effective directional stability coming out from those fins... thus can shrink the requirement for those already smallish all moving VT.*

anyways, just as a reminder, drag is just as important as lift. and as an old expert might say: the best lift/drag is still a wing.*


Last one.

Amiga500 said:
i.e. said:
go ahead. but in fighter and transport world we do not pretend that we can seperate "body-lift" from "wing-lift".*

so this whole point is a moot point.*

now if you are willing to go in technical details and speculate on the specific aspects, I am all ears.
On your first sentence you are indeed correct, readings are normally taken on the wing-body basis.

But it is not a moot point. Having a fuselage that is effective at creating lift is very useful at increasing L/D in severe turns. Of course, you are well aware that lift created along and close to the aircraft centreline is the most efficient in terms of induced drag.

As for which approach is most effective (F-22, PAK-FA or J-20)... you'd probably need a windtunnel to find out.

i.e. said:
Amiga500 said:
On your first sentence you are indeed correct, readings are normally taken on the wing-body basis.

But it is not a moot point. Having a fuselage that is effective at creating lift is very useful at increasing L/D in severe turns. Of course, you are well aware that lift created along and close to the aircraft centreline is the most efficient in terms of induced drag.

As for which approach is most effective (F-22, PAK-FA or J-20)... you'd probably need a windtunnel to find out.
your last part is my point.*
since we do not have a windtunnel and do not pretend our collective hot breath here can create enough positive pressure to generate meaningful L/D curves. then,*
it is a moot point.*

like you said one (meaning people who do this for a living) do no stick a body minus rest of the plane in wind tunnel and say ah ha it is a "lifting body."*

at high aoas where it is most counted on to give benefit fore-bodies and wing configuration (and for a canard configuration your also need to take in account of that canard's location deflection size etc.) is critically import to provide those nice vortices on the real body.*

even your VT and fins matters at how much lift and drag you generate at these angles. as their angles and size and location may severely affect pressure distribution.*

so what's the point of talking about it seperately? I always find it is odd.

In direct reply

Amiga500 said:
I'd agree with all of that bar one little bit.

Having effective fuselage lift at angles of attack below 25 deg (or so) can make or break a fighter in terms of sustained turn performance.

Post stall maneuvering is all nice and fine, and can be useful in some situations; however Boyd's energy maneuverability theory still rules the dogfight, and from that going to AoAs above 25deg or so is a direct route to death.

i.e. said:
Amiga500 said:
I'd agree with all of that bar one little bit.

Having effective fuselage lift at angles of attack below 25 deg (or so) can make or break a fighter in terms of sustained turn performance.

Post stall maneuvering is all nice and fine, and can be useful in some situations; however Boyd's energy maneuverability theory still rules the dogfight, and from that going to AoAs above 25deg or so is a direct route to death.
oh I agree with the part you said about the pressure distribution on the body.*
L/D is always the name of the game.*
but one do not just flatten the fuselage and think they will get all this nice extra lift for free. there is pitching moment and center of lift issues ( never forget about trim) forebody breakaway and vortices etc etc. it's not additive.*

not as simple as some here would like to believe.


last bit about post stall.*
the name of the game in post stall is all about how much nose down pitching moment you can generate to get back into useful part of that lift curve slop. it is not about lift anymore. who ever flys around in post stall all day would die in an real aircombat very soon.*

here is where big canards shines.

Amiga500 said:
benhongh said:
That's right! The amount of body lift contribution also varies by AoA and Mach number. The F-16's fuselage generates very little lift in level flight, but as much as 30% of total lift at alpha > 9deg and Mach 0.9 (forgot altitude). This is due to the strong vortex generated by the LERX at high alpha interacting with the blended wing-body upper surface. The F-22 and F-35 would generate even more body lift with forward fuselage shaping and integrated inlet-fuselage design.

Flanker and the T-50 would do a lot better with their flat fuselage, and it was said the engine mount + flat integrated lifting structure provides extra lift during supersonic flight due to an effect known as wave riding.

The problem with vortex lift from LERX/forward fuselage is the lift is generated ahead of the CG, hence producing significant pitch up moment at high alpha before deep stall. The pitch-up moment, if not countered, would tend to increase the AoA of the aircraft, creating a positive feedback (hence negative static longitudinal stability). Modern flight control system at this time would droop the elevator/elevon to counter the pitch-up moment.

If the pitch control device cannot produce the required pitch-down moment at high-alpha, the aircraft is simply not controllable. The F-16's tail at AoA > 36deg cannot generate enough pitch down moment to return the aircraft to level flight. A technique known to the F-16 pilots is to keep pitching UP the aircraft post 70deg AoA, then back down and use the inertia to get the F-16 down below 36deg AoA. F-22 and T-50 pilots won't have to do this trick since they have vector control.

The rationale behind J-20's design was, according to early designer Song's paper, to use the canard as a lifting device, and to dump that canard generated lift at high alpha when the elevons just simply aren't able to generate more aft-body lift to counter the pitch-up moment. Obviously thrust-vectoring wasn't in his mind when the paper was written..
good summay my friend, actually excellent summary, should be in some text book somewhere.*
the idea on generating lift on body is lways that in level flight you want to minimize the drag, but in high AOA you want your inboard and your body to do the most lifting for you. thus you see the shaping on the body trying to hit the sweep spot on drag polar when you are at cruse alphas.*

i.e. said:
benhongh said:
Now we are done with the body lift topic, can we go back to S-duct? The J-20's forward fuselage isn't wide enough to cover the area of two engine faces, therefore there must be line-of-sight coming from the engine face to the intake unobstructed.
The idea is not to have a wide band in azimith where the engine fan is visible. even with a not carefully designed S-duct one can have rather bad scatter.*
and also DSI and the scoop can also be designed to minimize returns.


Maybe but i wait since a while an answer for J-20 agility and him provide...others talk ( not all ofc ) but provide Nothing !
J-20's manoeuvrability and the aircraft's intended role have been resolved for years already, because the original aerodynamicist published a paper on the J-20.
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The die-hard haters have no answer other than pathetic excuses serve to sustain their hope that J-20 is a F-111 sized bomber.


To all the experts; how is the wing area calculated?

J20-Su35-wing-area est 2 CCd.jpg

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
To all the experts; how is the wing area calculated?

View attachment 43003

Wing area is measured from the root of the "actual airfoil to the tip",,, length X width, very, very simple, it DOES NOT include the fuselage or attach points, "UNLESS", the attach points are a distance outboard of the fuselage proper,,, so it is the horizontally oriented airfoil section of the wing, very simple. But that doesn's begin to tell the whole story of lift, but its a good place to begin your calculations.


Wing area is measured from the root of the "actual airfoil to the tip",,, length X width, very, very simple, it DOES NOT include the fuselage or attach points, "UNLESS", the attach points are a distance outboard of the fuselage proper,,, so it is the horizontally oriented airfoil section of the wing, very simple. But that doesn's begin to tell the whole story of lift, but its a good place to begin your calculations.
I know of ways to define the wing area not already mentioned. And every way to define it leads to a different maximal lift coefficient. :) It is of no import as you use it only to compare aircraft and you can freely choose the method appropriate to the aircraft you are comparing. Just don't forget what you are about.
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