J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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You would think that someone compiling a formal report for ONI would notice there are satellite pics and bother to take some measurements...
Hence we get ONI sound charts for the 095 submarine a decade before it's launched ;). The entire US military intelligence apparatus when it comes to PLA watching (at least public info-wise) is way inferior to SDF, suffice to say. The fact that the USNI author lists out such ridiculous measurements and propositions is reflective of the general Western analysts' ignorance.
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Registered Member
I think the important guys there know the real capabilities of Chinese military equipment. Or at least they have a much better idea. These articles and similar sound bites, are merely to direct the public into a certain thinking. There's no real benefit in fully informing any public whatever the country. Won't go into politics rabbit hole but glad some members getting looked at at least.

J-20 lacking a gun seems to show confidence in their sraams and could also be an indicator that PLAAF plans to ditch dogfighting, fire away those sraams and GTFO. Could also be hopefully an indicator that main bays can or will eventually fit 6 mraams if new ones can be made smaller with retractable fins.


Lieutenant General
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I think the important guys there know the real capabilities of Chinese military equipment. Or at least they have a much better idea. These articles and similar sound bites, are merely to direct the public into a certain thinking. There's no real benefit in fully informing any public whatever the country. Won't go into politics rabbit hole but glad some members getting looked at at least.

This is IMO the main reason for such reports.


Lieutenant General
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Yes. I still see that I'm still logged in but the reply is gone.
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