Lieutenant General
I found these two photos. Seems to be the helmet in display.
The positions of bumps match.
On the side, one information card says "AR Eye Glasses", the other says "VR display".
There seems to be two layers of glasses. The outer layer could be just protection like sun glass. The inner layer should be the projection screen of any digital images.
[Esdit], just find out the projector
Good memory! I actually have those two images saved on my hard drive but did not remember them!
Those two pictures are actually taken of the same helmet at the same exhibit.
Take note that in the first picture, we can clearly see the tinted sun visor flipped up, which could also be made out in the second picture.
You don’t need two layers of sun protection, which means the entire green area, which is pretty much the entire faceplate, is the display! That would make this the HMD with the biggest and widest angle displace I have ever seen or heard of.
The green tint is very similar to the colouring of the newer Chinese HUDs, which is further evidence the entire faceplate is the display screen.