You can't blame CAC for it since they don't release the photos anyway. You have to blame the wall climbers.
No we shant blame the "glorious wall climbing snappaphotographers", without those brave lads and possibly lasses, you and I Master Siege would have long ago gone into the DTs without our J-20 fix??? I think we would be smart, to fall on the mercy of Emperor Xi, and plead the case for Master Deino to help China join the real world and work up an article for Air Combat Monthly, maybe a four part series?? really, doesn't anybody know the president??
The world economy is a mess, we did MUCH better working together as partners, respecting one anothers space and feelings. Anyway this beautiful airplane deserves the spotlight that Cheng-du has worked so hard and sacrificed so many long hours of labor to bring this beautiful airplane to the PLAAF.
Anyway Gents, congratulations on the first flight of the first LRIP bird, it is a milestone that each of us have anxiously awaited, your good faith and patience have been rewarded!