Fantastic description by AFB ... ...
Multi--Roles = Compromised

your handle name reminds me about Nellis, Las Vegas as in Nellis AFB.
... ...
Back to J-20 topic.
Thank You very much for the compliment, I was always very proud of my Dad, who had started his Air Force life as an Airman 2nd, initially being a radio operator, later being accepted into the Cadet Program class of 53F, he received a commission and flight training, with time in the T-6, T-28, C-45, B-25, and A-26.
He later had an assignment in the C-119, crappy C-123, and then into the rocket ride, the Lockheed C-130A, my Dad LOVED the C-130, had an opportunity to fly C-141s, (he was tempted), and offered left seat in the B-52,(no thanks), but the C-130 was always a pilots airplane, my Dad was an IP, and got in on the ground floor of simulators, ( I crashed a C-130 simulator at Sewart AFB when I was 9), no visual display, simply an IFR trainer with paint on the inside of the windows. I flew one of his student's C-195 tail-dragger on Christmas Day the same year, I loved and still do love that airplane.
My Dad bought a farm, and farming was always a part of our lives, we later had a C-172 on a grass strip a mile or so from our house, and I learned to fly and got my Private Pilots license in that airplane.
I choose to become the Air Force Brat on this forum with some humility, some knowledge and history, but primarily to honor my DAD, without whom there would be no Air Force Brat. My Dad wanted to be an engineer, but was fortunate to become a USAF officer, something the made him larger than life, and a being a pilot, he was always my hero? I love everything that flies, love the beauty of it, and the aesthetics of a craft that must claw and carve its way into the atmosphere, and yes I have made it a priority to study aerodynamics, both for my own survival, and as a very pleasant pastime.
I have found a surprising home here on SDF, realized I have always admired the Chinese people, and other Asian friends, and found them to be extremely honest and loyal to a fault, and I work very hard to exemplify these two traits myself, and count it a high honor to have become Air Force Brat here among the extraordinary gentlemen of the SDF. I have several mentors here, who have taken me under their wing, and without whom I would be a much poorer man, I do love you guys, and count it a high honor to hold the friendship of many men who are my intellectual superiors, and who continue to lead the SDF, and am proud to be the SDF "wingman" to all who need a "wingman".
Now back on topic: as Deino has pleaded, please fly 2101, and lets get those tickets to Chengdu for Deino, and I will go along to carry his bags, and carry his writing tablet?