J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread V

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Lieutenant General
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Three very nice close-ups ...

Comparing those pictures with the ones A mace posted immediately below, it becomes quite obvious that those three close ups are of 2016 from quite a while ago before it had its chin mounted EOIRST mock up replaced with the real thing.

I wonder if the LRIP models will feature functioning EOIRSTs at roll out or if they will fit them on later after maiden flight.


Tyrant King
A static test airframe (or better yet, an actual real aircraft with working subsystems and everything else) would be more suited for anechoic chamber RCS and EM testing, which is one step up from pole mounted RCS testing, and more importantly they can put the entire full scale article inside without having to make it light enough to fit on the top of a pole.
Actually they probably test in both. the main reason for the mount is that the Testing chamber can only simulate conditions in a landed condition. Jet fighters are built to fly as such testing on a pedestal allow simulation of near flight conditions with the aircraft sleek. and in the air at grater ranges.
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