J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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That could make sense.

Or maybe RAM has nothing to do with the actual colour. I don't think there is any intrinsic property in RAM that says it must be black or grey. I think they could probably make a compound which is bright pink ad is just as effective in absorbing radar.

So what I'm saying is that the change in colour is probably only just that: a change in colour. Why whet there is addition or change in RAM is something we cannot extrapolate with the little information we have

They don't. RAM is used on large constructions like large bridges so not to disrupt navigational view. An example would be Seto Ohashi crossing between Honshu and Shikoku.


Change of light and weather would give a contrasting differences from the background for helicopters and low flying airplanes pilots to see better is my guess.


Either i didn't drink enough coffee or I checked my brain somewhere.. How would RAM make them see better? Isn't that counter to what RAM coating does?


The navigational radar's defused reflections from bridges creates ghosts making them a potential navigational hazards especially when visibility is low.

And you mitigate that by making it even less visible thereby making it even more dangerous? :confused::confused:

perhaps you meant to imply using RRM instead of RAM?


And you mitigate that by making it even less visible thereby making it even more dangerous? :confused::confused:

perhaps you meant to imply using RRM instead of RAM?

What are you talking about?
Ships know their own position through GPS and they know where the bridge is since it is stationary and they can easily triangulate the position using your own position but the only way ships identify other ship's position is through their navigational radar especially when visibility is low. How do you think the people at helm would react if a radar blip suddenly appears right in front of the ship during passage through a narrow and busy corridor?
To ensure this does not happen they coat large bridges in narrow channels(most bridges are constructed at those kind of places)with RAM so it does not disrupt navigation of ships.


These are the pics of 2012 I have so far:




Has anyone seen more?

I am adding all of the J-20 aircraft no. 2012 pictures (the ones that seem credible at least) that I can find to:

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The second picture a fake? They can't possibly repaint the 2012 to the new silvery paint scheme within such a short period of its appearance.
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