I do not think it is a PS...I think it is a CG. Huge difference. Anyone who made a higly detailed 3-D model of the the J-20 (and there are plenty of people who do this type of thing for gaming, and some just for kicks) could and would do it.Has the photo in question revealed anything new or shocking? If not, why would people go through the trouble PSing it? The fact that the photo in question becomes controversial suggests that the guy who made the alleged PS must be very good. So why would a CGI expert doctor a photo showing exactly what the actual plane looks like and nothing new? It makes no sense. Usually,when people PS something because they want the WOW factor. There is no wow here.
In my years working in Engineering, including in the aircraft industry, I was very involved with 3-D CAD/CAM/CAE.
To me, it looks like a detailed 3-D model, as I said. I did not say it was one...I do not know...I simply said it looks like one.
They can make them look so real these days that it is very difficult to tell the difference. One of the differences is the background. In the real world there are variances in the sky/cloud/back ground. That too can be modeled and "depicted" in a model. It can also be removed from a photo. That's why I dimply do not know.
In my view, it appeared there was not nearly enough.
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