J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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I've noticed previously the build quality of the above aircraft seems to look better than that of the J-10A, J-11B. This is also noticeable between the J-15 and Su-33. Maybe they should start building J-10A/J-11Bx parts with the same method.

You are over analyzing. The 3d printed parts are load bearing structures, which can't be seen from the outside.

That's great, but the thing is will it change the chemical composition of the alloy by any means?

How exactly does the heating of a relatively inert metal cause changes in chemical composition? Only thing I can think of is oxidation.
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I always wonder what they were talking about in terms of metal 3D printing but after seeing how it's done with a slab of metal it hit me, IT'S NOT 3D PRINTING, IT'S CALLED a 3D MILLING MACHINE.
The technology has been around for decades.

No offense, but it is obvious from the fact that you mentioned "milling" that you have, at best, a skewed understanding of the process. I was going to point out the differences, but Vincent already did a pretty good job. What I'll do instead is post a link to a BBC article that provides graphical explanation for how 3D laser printing of titanium components work. Hope it clarifies things.

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I always wonder what they were talking about in terms of metal 3D printing but after seeing how it's done with a slab of metal it hit me, IT'S NOT 3D PRINTING, IT'S CALLED a 3D MILLING MACHINE.
The technology has been around for decades.

Milling? That means moving, rotating tools cutting, bit like your home drill. 3D printing is more like continuus "Layering" compared to milling. Two simple links -
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You are over analyzing. The 3d printed parts are load bearing structures, which can't be seen from the outside.

I know that they're load bearing structures. If the aircraft has load bearing structures that have much less error in its tolerances, the rest of the fuselage structures, within or on the surface of the fuselage, are bound to follow the structures within those tolerances. Otherwise, the fitting wouldn't be as best as it should be.


王华明 北京航空航天大学航空材料专家 教授
当然,他们使用是传统的生产飞机部件的方式。 传统飞机钛合金大型关键构件的制造方法是锻造和机械加工,先要熔铸大型钛合金铸锭、锻造制坯、加工大型锻造模具,然后再用万吨级水压机等大型锻造设备锻造出零件毛坯,最后再对毛坯零件进行大量机械加工。整个工序下来,耗时费力,有的构件,光大型模具的加工就要用一年以上的时间,要动用几万吨级的水压机来工作,要大量供电,甚至还需要建电厂。
另外传统飞机制造业不仅耗时久,而且浪费太多材料。一般只有10%的原材料能被利用,剩下的在铸模、锻造、切割和抛光工序中就损失了。 例如美国洛克希德·马丁公司制造一架F-22战斗机需要2796公斤钛合金,但实际只有144公斤用到飞机上。

3D printing parts is used on C-919, J-15, J-16, J-20 and J-31.

Nowadays by using 3D printing the cockpit window frame of c-919 can be 'printed' in 55 days. A european aerospace company extimated that it would take 2 years with conventional methods, with 2 million USD spent on making molds alone.

Traditional manufacturing process with titanium alloy requires long time and large electricity consumption. And only about 10% of the alloy bulk is utilized in the final product. The article claimed that each F-22 uses 2796kg of titanium alloy blocks, but actually only 144kg of parts is actually on the finished plane.

Pretty much the only area that 3D printing can't yet be used is the 'hot' section of the turbofan engine.
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