You constantly try to portray that last few percentages to be a world of difference, but 5~10% is just that -- 5~10%. It means any error in estimating material properties by Chinese engineers only causes a 5~10% deviation. If the engineers underestimated the effect of RAM by half, then the model would still be 95~97.5% accurate. If the engineers got the estimation of the material effects right by 80%, than the estimation would be 98~99% accurate. That is why your argument doesn't work.
Let's use your math and assume that shaping reduces the RCS of a F-22 to 0.5m2.
Now assume a baseball sized target, which gives us a RCS of 0.01m2. But if you underestimated the RAM effect, you get 0.25m2.
Now, is a 0.01m2 target at BVR more dangerous than 0.25m2?
Ahem, it's not a strawman when you were whining that "simple physics" would allow "You can absolutely predict how the other guy's technology will behave".Strawman argument. No one ever claimed that the RAM on the F-22 is the exact same as that on the J-20, or that the 093B powerplant is the exact the same as the LA class's. Estimating RCS involves taking the country's existing knowledge of how stealth works, then applying them in a way to figure out how well the other guy's stuffs work.
You can't have it both ways. That's like saying Han Chinese are genetically unique from all other Asians when regional subsets of Han population have more in common with Koreans or Taiwanese aborigines than Han Chinese at the other end of China
You need a more complex understanding for a more complex model. I haven't asked for perfect details, but you need more complexity than the simple "build a metal mockup with approximate RAM" fanboy hype.The need for perfect details is an invention made by you. There is no such requirement in the real world.
Nope. Figuring out the RCS only requires application of one's scientific and practical implementation knowledge in stealth technologies to the exterior. It does not concern with the interactions among subsystems. There is no also need for a physical copy to exist for diss-assembly, copied, then have a perfect replica produced before any knowledge can be gained. See post #1874.
I didn't say perfect replica, but it must be a complex model if you wish to understand a complex system.
I will take this as your concession.