Least significant does not mean not significant. The shaping did 90% of the work, but it is the RCS that does the last 10-5%? How hard is that to understand, really?Let me make it simple for you in one statement: materials' contribution to RCS is least significant.
That has been made clear multiple times in a , which you now embarrassingly try to ignore by claiming it to be irrelevant.
The implication of this information is that your argument doesn't work, since your argument is based on an assumption that materials play a significant role. This information is thus very relevant.
You can understand a lot about aircraft RCS by building a model yes. But in a high stakes scenario involving a very low margin of error (like the F-22, due to its low RCS), you have to understand the last 5-10% in order to build a working model, if you care about the lives of your mine.
Of which your thickness problem is addressed by RAM inserts.Non sequitur. That particular method of stealth is obsoleted as a result of radar employing other frequencies. It has nothing to do with invention of AESA radar. This has also been mentioned in your own source.
Since whatever stealth technologies used by LM and CAC is likely indigenous developed (unless you think that the J-20 copies the F-22), NRIET trying to develop a detailed evaluation of the F-22's stealth characteristics, like the RAM coating, is like ONI trying to determine the acoustics on the 093B by looking at the LA class's powerplant. They operate on similar principles, but each system is unique.
In an ideal world yes, if you had access to perfect information about every bit of detail. But you don't.Wrong. You can absolutely predict how the other guy's technology will behave, since laws of physics is the same to everybody.
You do have to "discover [sp] the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation" if you want to estimate RCS, which includes understanding how the subsystems interact with each other inside of hoping that Physics 101 and a vague internal document will magically solve all your problems. I take this to be a concession?Quoting something which I already know isn't going to make your arguments more correct. You have yet to provide proofs that estimating F-22's RCS requires reverse-engineering a physical aircraft.
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