J-10 Thread IV


By the way … is it me or is the PAF‘s HMD different to the PLAAF ones?

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Just at hand I cannot find a good one for comparison?!!

They are indeed different.



Lieutenant General
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They are indeed different.


Hold on, -- I think Deino is asking whether the PAF's J-10CP specific HMD is different to the PLAAF's J-10C specific HMD.

The pictures you posted are the HMD of J-20, and we do not have any indication that PLAAF J-10Cs use the J-20 HMD (if anything the few images that we've had of PLAAF J-10Cs with pilots wearing HMD do not correspond with some of the features on the J-20 HMD, example below (there's no separation/line between the primary helmet part and the ear part, and the positions of the IR nodes are also different):


Meanwhile the J-20's HMD is as below (interestingly, it seems PAF JF-17 Block III uses a HMD very similar to J-20's):


The other PLAAF HMD that we definitely know is in use is a monocular design used by J-16, and it's possible that the PLAAF HMD for J-10C is the same, but without more detailed pictures we can't actually tell. It is also possible that they have used or trialled different HMDs for J-10C which appear slightly similar but are still different from one another (given the two pictures of PLAAF J-10Cs Deino posted above show the HMDs as having minor differences from one another, yet still definitely not J-20's HMD)

We also cannot confidently tell if the PAF J-10C HMD is the same as that of the J-16 (some of the details look similar while some different, so at best they are cousins, but likely not the same exact model) by extension.



Lieutenant General
Interesting design differences. I do wonder if maybe the PAF got a later more refined version, where some of the electronics where relocated from the front of the HMD to the back, similar to the counterweight concept used with night vision/thermal sights on ballistic/bump helmets where battery packs or even less weights are placed on the back of the helmet to offset some of the weight of the NODs at the front.


Junior Member
Registered Member
sorry to be less informed, by the way how the plane communicate with awacs
is it through HMDS or radio frequency as I been given info about PAF Erieye communicating
with J10c also,can it be the reason HMDs are different then the PLAAF HMDS
thank you