Are these from a film? I ask because the aspect ratio seems to be from a movie. If so, how can I get my hands on it?
Might be from a documentary or the upcoming Sky Hunter movie.
Are these from a film? I ask because the aspect ratio seems to be from a movie. If so, how can I get my hands on it?
J10 scare no one therefore it's a waste of money
Likewise for 054, 056 , they waste a lot of money on things that don't change the perception or change strategic equation.
J-10 is a capable and highly cost effective platform, it excels in its role and is a critical component of China's air defense network. China has a very large air space and long borders, so there is need for large quantities of air defense fighters (J-10 project began as primarily a J-6 replacement, initially). Operating in such role, J-10s supported by ground based radars and air defense network and systems and flying with a load out optimized for local air superiority are more than a match for larger and much more expensive aircraft attempting to penetrate Chinese airspace. More importantly, China wants to refute, rather than fan the flames of the China threat theory. Smaller, shorter range fighters are more defensive in nature, and are perceived as such by others. China's priority is not to threaten other nations, but to instead have a credible deterrence in order to protect both Chinese territories and interests. China's military doctrine is still primarily defensive in nature: the only change is that defense is being pushed out to further and further ranges, so that threats can be engaged and neutralized before they can threaten the Chinese homeland. Even the J-20 fits in as part of this overarching doctrine.J10 scare no one therefore it's a waste of money
Likewise for 054, 056 , they waste a lot of money on things that don't change the perception or change strategic equation.
A waste for whom ? ... and second, the J-10 is NOT using the AL-31F but the FN and the latest B/C-models even the uprated FN Series 3.
As such I don't know what's Your complaint, but for long the AL-31 was the only engine available, so it was not a waste but a simple necessity.
For all later models - esp. since it seems as if there are still issues with the WS-10 - I also do not see it as a waste. This engine is reliable and mature ... and losses also occur with other types, esp. single engined ones.
So what's Your issue?
Double engine plane have much higher maintenance costs. Also, the only engine available for FC-31 at this moment in time are Russian engines. Engine technology extremely costly and difficult, simply takes time and cannot be rushed. Patience, and within next 5-10 years, all Chinese planes, including J-10 and J-20 will be using Chinese engines.Single engine not reliable? Easy , then get rid of single engine plane.
Use 2 medium engined one like j31, just as economical.
Doesn't matter FN, ZN, any type of foreign engines is lame in my book
Single engine not reliable? Easy , then get rid of single engine plane.
Use 2 medium engined one like j31, just as economical.
Doesn't matter FN, ZN, any type of foreign engines is lame in my book
J-10 is an F-16 type aircraft, it must be really good lightly loaded.J10 scare no one therefore it's a waste of money
Likewise for 054, 056 , they waste a lot of money on things that don't change the perception or change strategic equation.