How many J-10s are in service with PLAAF as of today?
around 180-190 or so, with all regiments and various independent units combined. There should be another 28 with PLANAF, though, so total number in chinese service could be closer to 210-220.
It is known more about the engagement rule of this exercise? Specifically it was a complete exercise comprising both BVR and WVR or it was resctricted only to WVR?J-10A dominated the J-11B in a recent exercise in which top pilots from PLAAF regiments contested for the "Golden Helmet", according to Pupu from CJDBY.
The battle was between J-10s from K-44S and J-11B from K-1S.
Link to the baguwen article on the Golden Helmet contest:
That helmet is awe fully ugly. I would want the award but please , the helmet stay away from me...
Solid gold or 22k gold will be fantastic.. Haha...
Didn't J-11B avionics suppose to be on par with J-10A or better? How come they still got beaten badly.. Unless J-10 aerodynamic is ready a few step above basic flanker air frame.
Facing the highly agile & maneuverable J10s with smaller RCS will always be very tough for the J11s unless they are equipped with significantly better avionics & missiles. But those are exactly some of the main reasons you want big airframes like J11 anyway. To be able to put your most powerful radar & missiles, and more of them, onto them to overcome disadvantages like bigger RCS while enjoying their advantages like bigger range & payloads.
I doubt those J11B in the contest had the latest PLAAF radars, preferably AESA, or BVR missiles. Don't think there are many of such well equipped J11 yet.