J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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VIP Professional
around 180-190 or so, with all regiments and various independent units combined. There should be another 28 with PLANAF, though, so total number in chinese service could be closer to 210-220.



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ECA secures funds for NATO aggressor aircraft purchase

By: Craig Hoyle London

05:00 1 May 2012
NATO's ability to conduct multi-national combat training could be transformed if a 24-aircraft system being proposed by a Dutch-based company takes off.

The integrated opposing force (IOPFOR) concept now being promoted by ECA Program would see a new fleet of privately-owned and operated lightweight fighters provide an aggressor training service for Alliance nations.

Platform candidates include the Chengdu J-10, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen, with ECA chief executive and IOPFOR manager Melville ten Cate expecting to announce a selection in mid-May.

The Schiphol-based company has raised


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around 180-190 or so, with all regiments and various independent units combined. There should be another 28 with PLANAF, though, so total number in chinese service could be closer to 210-220.

ThanKs Totoro. How many J-10 fighters is China looking to place in service?


New Member
J-10A dominated the J-11B in a recent exercise in which top pilots from PLAAF regiments contested for the "Golden Helmet", according to Pupu from CJDBY.

The battle was between J-10s from K-44S and J-11B from K-1S.

Link to the baguwen article on the Golden Helmet contest:

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It is known more about the engagement rule of this exercise? Specifically it was a complete exercise comprising both BVR and WVR or it was resctricted only to WVR?


Senior Member
Solid gold or 22k gold will be fantastic.. Haha...

Didn't J-11B avionics suppose to be on par with J-10A or better? How come they still got beaten badly.. Unless J-10 aerodynamic is ready a few step above basic flanker air frame.

Facing the highly agile & maneuverable J10s with smaller RCS will always be very tough for the J11s unless they are equipped with significantly better avionics & missiles. But those are exactly some of the main reasons you want big airframes like J11 anyway. To be able to put your most powerful radar & missiles, and more of them, onto them to overcome disadvantages like bigger RCS while enjoying their advantages like bigger range & payloads.
I doubt those J11B in the contest had the latest PLAAF radars, preferably AESA, or BVR missiles. Don't think there are many of such well equipped J11 yet.


Senior Member
Facing the highly agile & maneuverable J10s with smaller RCS will always be very tough for the J11s unless they are equipped with significantly better avionics & missiles. But those are exactly some of the main reasons you want big airframes like J11 anyway. To be able to put your most powerful radar & missiles, and more of them, onto them to overcome disadvantages like bigger RCS while enjoying their advantages like bigger range & payloads.
I doubt those J11B in the contest had the latest PLAAF radars, preferably AESA, or BVR missiles. Don't think there are many of such well equipped J11 yet.

J-11B supposed to be the better flanker variant..

But what you say its true.. Big RCS and and the huge presence of flanker is a big disadvantage for dogfight. You just can't miss the huge beast flying in visual eye range. I believe the competition pits itself mainly in dogfight area. Because this is the area where it exhibit the sheer handling skill of a fighter pilot.

In this sense, J-20 shall try all means to avoid a dogfight with any fighter.. Even with great agility, the huge presence of J-20 makes a great disdvantage of it. If I am the designer of J-20, I will put agility of it in the last list of criteria....
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