J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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Senior Member
These are the construction numbers now known for 72 Regt and 1-8 August Demonstration Wing:

72 Regt
30551 (J10A-0421)
30552 (J10A-0422)
30650 (J10A-0438)
30654 (J10A-0502)

1-8 Wing
01 (J10AY-0508)
02 (J10AY-0509)
03 (J10AY-0510)
04 (J10AY-0511)
05 (J10AY-0512)
06 (J10AY-0513)
07 (J10AY-0514)
08 (J10AY-0515)
09 (J10AY-0516)
10 (J10SY-0208)
11 (J10SY-0209)
12 (J10SY-0210)

I have seen it suggested that 1-8 borrowed J-10’s from 72 Regt for the 1 October 2009 parade and only received their own planes in early 2010.

From which one may draw the conclusions one wishes.

I was also puzzled by 26 Regt, the equipment of which officially started, as you say, in December with two J-10A and two J-10S being handed over. This was clearly after 72 Regt, yet it must have received Lot 04 planes with numbers below 0421.

I do have a hypothesis, with which one may agree or disagree as one pleases.

I think you mentioned that there was a break in J-10 production in 2008. I think there was nothing of the kind, but a hitch in their introduction to PLAAF service. In a much commented event, four J-10’s were seen on the tarmac at Shantou one year earlier, on 03 December 2008 (plus still eight J-7). I think these were the first 26 Regt planes being demonstrated to the regiment.

However, I think the regiment was not ready to receive them, because it was engaged in relocating from Shantou to Huiyang, where 12 of the 24 HAS being built were not yet completed by 29 November 2008. Only in late 2009 was the Huiyang ready to receive the planes, which in the meantime must have been somewhere else, for instance at Chengdu.


Senior Member
I love the August Demo-Team's new colors!! The J-10s look awesome in the new color-scheme!! Kudos to China, for such remarkable achievements.


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These are the construction numbers now known for 72 Regt and 1-8 August Demonstration Wing:

72 Regt
30551 (J10A-0421)
30552 (J10A-0422)
30650 (J10A-0438)
30654 (J10A-0502)

1-8 Wing
01 (J10AY-0508)
02 (J10AY-0509)
03 (J10AY-0510)
04 (J10AY-0511)
05 (J10AY-0512)
06 (J10AY-0513)
07 (J10AY-0514)
08 (J10AY-0515)
09 (J10AY-0516)
10 (J10SY-0208)
11 (J10SY-0209)
12 (J10SY-0210)

I have seen it suggested that 1-8 borrowed J-10’s from 72 Regt for the 1 October 2009 parade and only received their own planes in early 2010.
Do you have any evidence of the construction number for those J-10s? What you post don't necessarily contradict the pictures I have, but I have not seen any photos that would suggest what you are stating.
From which one may draw the conclusions one wishes.

I was also puzzled by 26 Regt, the equipment of which officially started, as you say, in December with two J-10A and two J-10S being handed over. This was clearly after 72 Regt, yet it must have received Lot 04 planes with numbers below 0421.
Again, I don't have proof what the construction numbers are and don't want to make wild guesses.
I do have a hypothesis, with which one may agree or disagree as one pleases.

I think you mentioned that there was a break in J-10 production in 2008. I think there was nothing of the kind, but a hitch in their introduction to PLAAF service. In a much commented event, four J-10’s were seen on the tarmac at Shantou one year earlier, on 03 December 2008 (plus still eight J-7). I think these were the first 26 Regt planes being demonstrated to the regiment.

However, I think the regiment was not ready to receive them, because it was engaged in relocating from Shantou to Huiyang, where 12 of the 24 HAS being built were not yet completed by 29 November 2008. Only in late 2009 was the Huiyang ready to receive the planes, which in the meantime must have been somewhere else, for instance at Chengdu.
I'm pretty sure the 26th regiment received its first four in 2009. That's what that one photo and one article we got point to. Scramble also agrees with me on this one. Based on the timeline, I'd think a good number of 05 lot went to 26th regiment and the 72nd regiment came from 04 batch.


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So, you have at least 37 single seaters from lot 05. The double seaters are all lot 02. In the naval J-10s, at least 18 to 24 were J10S and let's say 4 other J10S were produced for PLAAF. You are looking at close to 50 J-10s from lot 05 and 02.


Senior Member
As J-10S come with different lot numbers, they are best kept separate.

There must of course have been a J-10S Lot 01 before the current Lot 02. There is fairly much information abou this Lot 02:

The 1-8 J-10S’s are 0208-0210, and 2-20 was seen early 2011 as chase plane for J-20. The 10 J-10S from 0211-0220 are likely 8 for the Navy and the 2 additional ones (60288, 60289) for FTTC.


Lieutenant General
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As J-10S come with different lot numbers, they are best kept separate.

There must of course have been a J-10S Lot 01 before the current Lot 02. There is fairly much information abou this Lot 02:

The 1-8 J-10S’s are 0208-0210, and 2-20 was seen early 2011 as chase plane for J-20. The 10 J-10S from 0211-0220 are likely 8 for the Navy and the 2 additional ones (60288, 60289) for FTTC.
That first part of your last sentence doesn't make any sense. I don't know how large the Lot 02 of J-10S is exactly, but my point was that since the twin-seaters were getting delivered at the same time lot 05 were getting delivered. You have to factor that in when considering which lot of J-10s were used for which regiment.


Senior Member
Frankly, I do not understand what you are saying either.

As to J-10S lots, I too lack exact information. However, as can be seen from the numbers quoted, Lot 02 comprises at least 20.

When all 43 PLAAF Regt is fully equipped, there should be a total of 43 J-10S:

7 PLAAF regiments x 4 = 28
1 PLANAF regiment = 8
FTTC = 4
8-1 Demo wing = 3

So there ought to be about 22 in each lot, if they are the same size.



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