A Good Article To Read (A Lot Of Useful Information)
The Google Translation:
" the most detailed performance analysis of the Chinese Air Force fighter -10B fighter (ZT)
Light and heavy machine controversy
Some say that J-10 is a lightweight, J-11 is the heavy machine, air combat performance and J-10 over the J-11 is not a grade. Ruthless answered the question: J-10 and SU-27SK, held in 2006 in confrontation, one J-10 4 SU-27SK, first enemies found that first opened fire on the enemy, and achieved an impressive record of 4:0.
J-10 is not light, the air weighs about 8.6 tons, maximum takeoff weight of about 19.2 tons, belongs to the medium machine; FC-1, JAS-39, is the light (2.2MH J-10, maximum speed, maximum static ceiling almost 21,000 metres, the maximum ceiling more than 22,000 m, maximum range of 3,500 km, the maximum combat radius of 1350 km, maximum bomb load 7 tons). If in the 90 's, SU-27SK is also an excellent fighter, but into the 21st century, its avionics, weapons have significantly behind. J-11 SU-27SK Chinese production version, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, a total of 5 batches, about 100, domestic production levels gradually increase. Basic is original, 00-02 SU-27SK;03,, 04 gradually switched domestic radar, such as avionics, in part to launch home-made PL-12 missiles, combat effectiveness greatly increased. At present most of the old J-11 avionics have been upgraded, previously only emission of semi-active R-27, capable of launching the initiative of R-77 after the upgrade, combat effectiveness enhanced. But neither switched domestic production of new avionics J-11, was also upgraded and old J-11, in numerous confrontations in recent years, are not J-10 opponent.
Heavy machine body in terms of carrying ability, voyage, and combat radius, empty for a long time with delay; avionics side, due to more space, you can use larger and more complex equipment (such as a larger diameter radar), performance is stronger, more fully featured. So under the same technical level, stronger-than-light heavy air combat performance machine – but this premise is the same technology.
Three generations of aerodynamic design has such a development process: energy of the 70 's maneuver → fault of transient maneuver → 80 90-speed maneuvering (Super maneuver). SU-27SK is a typical energy tactical fighter, momentary tactical theory born Typhoon, European 3.5 generation such as wind, eagle lion. Transient maneuvering stresses the instantaneous change in head points to in air combat, combined with large off-axis angle-launched missiles, to attack the enemy. Theory of transient maneuver in China is the product of J-10. J-10 owing to lack of engine thrust, push is not high, energy motor theory, its steady SU-27SK does not prevail, but he has much SU-27SK excellent blink disk (31), fighting often are given priority in the lock SU-27SK. Traditional of concept think, duck wing of stall welcomes angle for 35 of, this is Israel people made to of, later for States by attention, France of gusts on will maximum welcomes angle limit in 28 of, China of fighter -10 is limit in 26 of (SU-27 for 28 of), so aviation territories General thought in large welcomes angle performance aspects, duck wing than general layout, because duck wing of stall welcomes angle limit has duck wing of large welcomes angle performance. However, in post-stall flight, the test pilots found another phenomenon in China, that is, fighter- -10 high angle of attack control performance far exceeds that of Su-27 (fighter- -10 fly Cobra maneuver angle over the Su-27). This information first by src members subjected to disclosure, but widely questioned by the held traditional view users. Chengfei research, proof of src members subjected to claims.
J-10 not only have superior instantaneous discs, digital telexes (J-11 is the analogue fax), flying fire-cross-linking technology, substantially relax the static instability (11%) and the integrated pneumatic control technology (90) to bring its superior agility and flying qualities. J-10 air combat fighting performance, in serving all aircraft in China, you can use the "toughness" two words to describe.
J-10 advantage lies in its outstanding mobile performance for supersonic. If second generation fighter emphasize high-altitude high-speed, three generations of machine emphasized low altitude, the Asian wrestling around transonic performance, four generations of machine part stress of supersonic maneuvering (Super tour, Super maneuverability). SU-27SK maximum speed greater than J-10 (SU-27 max 2.35MH,J-10 max 2.2MH), but under standard air combat mounting (4-2) fell to its maximum speed in 1.7MH, and J-10 (2 of 2) are larger than 1.9MH, and has better maneuverability in the supersonic stage. In the fighting in SU-27SK and J-10, often playing however, running out of the situation.
J-10 airspace, full speed is a full air superiority fighter and before 2010, J-10 Taiwan is always in air combat King.
J-10 in 2004, while serving, avionics system is not perfect; 05 began to improve, the successor of each batch has a new improved old batches have been updated. Forums generally known as J-10A.
J-11 has not stopped its feet, Western design standards, China's avionics technology J-11B the first flight in 2003 (use also is said to be analog fax), 2007 training and service. J-11B planned Taihang using home-made engine, but due to the line performance is not stable at that time, a regiment of J-11B still use the first batch of AL-31F. 2008-2009 the first half, Taihang continued not to force, J-11B accumulate a lot of body no engine available. The second half of 2009, so basically solve the problem, J-11B began mass service in late 2009 or early 2010. Currently about 80.
First batch install AL-31F J-11B performance is not stable, several problems, has been 2010 years ago do not form an effective combat strength. 2010 and J-10A against it was not clear, there was talk a confrontational, but results are not very satisfactory. Taihang version J-11B, may this year and J-10A against, individuals are looking forward to.
J-10A 1473 radar probably 700mm in diameter, 3 m? found effective the target distance is about 120 km, J-11B 1493 radar approximately 960 mm in diameter, 3 m? found effective the target distance is about 150 km. J-11B seemingly in BvR attacks on J-10A advantage. But it's actually not that easy.
In modern air combat, air combat began on both sides were silent flight, by the early-warning aircraft providing enemy targets in general position. About 80 km apart on both sides open radar search and track goals, began launching missile attacks, about 40 km. J-11B the benefits of the radar distance advantage is not obvious, and its larger RCS offset that advantage.
J-10 in the first flight in 1998, 2004, train service, at present over more than 200 the number. J-10 when you first open, State media have said it is 3.5, and was renamed after 3 generations. The reason is that J-10 has advanced design concepts, but the lack of engine thrust, avionics, weapons performance advanced enough, and, like J-11B, now used primarily for air superiority combat, Earth is not strong.
In 2008, J-10B its first flight, the first official birth of the true 3.5 generation fighters.
Second, J-10B
J-10B compared with J-10A, overall there has been a noticeable change:
1, inlet becomes a DSI ("clam") inlet. J-10 for high-altitude high-speed performance, using a complex dual three-wave system can be paged in the airway, weight increased. DSI is the latest in technology, he applied in the United States on the latest F-35. Compared with the conventional intake, DSI canceled insulating layers, greatly reduces the weight. United States on F-16 test results show that DSI than complex intake reduces 182KG. Total pressure recovery factor is important indicator of intake, decline in total number of Restorer line 1%, engine thrust down 1.1%~1.6%. DSI is conducive to raising inlet total pressure recovery factor, improving the actual thrust of the engine. These two advantages make push than the effective promotion of J-10B. Another large benefit of DSI is separated boundary layer road was canceled this radar source, significantly reduced RCS. In addition, DSI can reduce costs, improve reliability.
Previously there were claims that DSI rather poor high speed performance. United States and the F-16 tests, the DSI when 0.6-1.2MH, total pressure recovery factor 0.98 per cent, but in 2.0MH, just 0.74 per cent. Because there are fears that DSI used can significantly reduce the J-10 of high-altitude high-speed performance. This worry is unnecessary, technology is always in development. Test results of a certain type of intake in China is, in 1.8MH total pressure recovery factor to 0.91, at the time of 2.0MH to 0.87, better than the General three-wave system inlet.
J-10 inlet becomes a DSI ("clam") inlet.
Reportedly J-10B equipped with AESA (active phase array radar).
2, head from the original cone-shaped into oval-shaped, to play on the air before entering the inlet compression. Head slightly down, improves vision. Nose radome and Union place it as a backward slash, it is understood that this suggests that its equipment AESA (active phased array radar).
For the development of radar: mechanical radar → PESA (passive phased array radar) → AESA (active phased array radar). AESA is and four generations earlier technology, besides equipment generation 4 machines, is also used to equip and upgrade 3.5 or even 3 generations. Compared with mechanical radar, AESA detecting distance farther, higher precision, reflect faster, more targeted attacks more powerful and more functionality, anti-interference ability is stronger, more reliable. After adopting some technology, stealth more power.
Compared with mechanical radar, AESA sharp increase in detection range, United States or even claim to have increased 100%. Now gradually entering an era of stealth, conventional radar on stealth aircraft, stealth cruise missile such RCS reflection small target detection distance is very short, such as J-10 on the RCS of 0.03 (such as F-22) discovery of the sharp drop in distance of 30 km or so, in short distance under electromagnetic interference environment. AESA greater detection range, high detection accuracy to enable him to detect such small targets has great advantages. Multiple target attack ability is 3 generations began to claim, usually to track both 8-10 target, blow and 2-4. But this ability on 3 machines are not practical. Because the fighters have a high level of mobility, when conventional radar to lock on to a target, it is difficult to continue to lock on to another target, so the 3 generation of general attack a single target at a time, unless you have the face of a maneuvering target. AESA fighter truly has the ability. 3 generation of quiet in the air war began to fly, because of its once opened radar search, just like flashlights in the dark, it is easy to be early-warning system to detect each other. This issue is more important to stealth aircraft. Modern wars are accompanied by strong electromagnetic interference, this allows the radar detection range significantly shorter. AESA radar F-22 effectively solves both problems, through the use of technologies such as radio frequency management, the other is more difficult to find its radar radiation of electromagnetic waves, it is rather difficult to be interference. AESA lays the Foundation to achieve this functionality. AESA fighters also have more features such as electronic warfare, with more reliability.
United States equipment AESA earlier, as early as 2000 started it as a F-15C modified AESA, but at that time big and heavy and the radar transmitter units consumes much. With launch of new smaller unit AESA radar equipment of various types/refit beginning in 2004, F-22, F-16block60 (take-out), F-15C of F-18E/F of 2005 and 2010. Current United States was considering for his F-16C switched to AESA. 3.5 generation of Europe, gusts to 2013 when the AESA, Typhoon plan 2015 JAS-39NG is only validated machine. Russia in 2014 service SU-35BM (SU-27SM2) equipment is PESA; rather, the MiG-35 has its own AESA, but "600mm, 680 transceiver unit, detection range of 130 km in diameter" configuration is rather tragic. Japan in 2000 service F-2 is also equipped with AESA, but this radar performance is tragedy, only 40 km to space exploration, and often lost target.. Is said to be now resolved the issue, return to normal.
J-10B low-volume production by the end, its radar with 1000-1200 sending and receiving unit, 3 m? found effective the target distance to 160-180 km/h, has caught up with the trend of world development.
3, switched diffraction HUD, head fitted with IRST (infrared search and track system). Diffraction of HUD, which is commonly referred to as wide-angle holographic HUD. Compared with the refraction of HUD, its field of view greater (conducive to weapon targeting and night flights), exterior perspective rates, character reflection rate higher. Diffraction HUD technology in the application are common 3.5-generation fighter, first applied to the J-11B. AESA radar while an effective solution to the issue of radiation and interference, but it cannot be completely avoided. IRST passive detection not only hard to find, in terms of detecting stealth aircraft and also has good results. And with more features. F-22 is achieved through a passive receiver system of this function. According to said J-10B IRST to track at the 60KM stealth aircraft, 30KM nm distances have identify enemy aircraft and formation, statistics, display number of enemy aircraft, the missile's ability to provide guidance.
4, the installation of vertical tail electronic module and electronic pods under the wings. Fighters of the electronic warfare capability is very important and crucial ability. This heavy duty machine for light machine enjoy certain advantages. J-10B added a pair of hanging points under the wings, add a pair of e-pods (allegedly the pods can be removed), with the vertical tail electronic cabin, greatly strengthening the electronic warfare capability.
5, J-10B vertical tail, pelvic fins cutting angle process, this will help to improve high speed performance, demonstrates its high altitude high speed pursuit. J-10B improved the wing structure (Airfoil unchanged), increasing a pair of hanging points (for electronic warfare equipment), increasing the amount of oil the wing. Use a composite wing skins, reduce the weight of the wing structure but also to strengthen the wing strength.
J-10 is the first domestic permission to digital telexes canard aircraft, because of the canard balancing complex, for fear of cross-coupled section is egg-shaped nose and canard when induced by high angle longitudinal diverge, so using a cross as round nose. As J-8II 3 waves of inlet technologies reserves, so using abdominal 3 wave system inlet. After 2000 due to DSI inlet going, subsequently, FC-1 DSI inlet to practise, DSI has a more in-depth study of inlet. Due to the successful development and equipment of J-10 forces, against all permission to digital telexes study on aerodynamic characteristics of canard taken to new levels, has been the capture of egg-shaped nose and coupled canard aerodynamic problems. On this basis, the development of fair in the lower half of the fuselage before the egg-shaped fuselage with coupled more fuselage before the excellent canard aerodynamic configuration, improved lifting and available at high angles.
J10B of overall pneumatic appearance on across Sonic area rate and supersonic area rate for has depth optimization (improve supersonic performance of key), again design has Qian fuselage, and vertical tail, and pelvic fins, replaced has new of main wing (wing type Basic does not variable, used has more of composites), next-generation of DSI into gas road high speed design points for 2.0MH, in twice times Sonic Shi may provides of total pressure recovery good Yu 3 wave Department into gas road, in 2.2MH Shi total pressure recovery still keep in higher level; low altitude design points for 1.2MH. Optimized aerodynamic shape in Asia, across and within the envelope of supersonic drag reduction effect is clear, sub/cross/supersonic Lift-to-drag ratio increased acceleration performance is improved. Canard 4 generations fly systems have excellent balance high/low performance. Actual flight test results showed that J-10B high-altitude high-speed than J-10A OK, mobile quality better, within its wide flight envelope (0~2.3MH) each stage has a better acceleration performance, practical maximum speed, service ceiling and rate of climb than J10A. High altitude bomb case (simulation of bullet) speed and maximum static ceiling has been increased and stable hover performance improvement is encouraging, digital flight control at maximum angle limits up to about 30 °.
J-10B improving the aerodynamic performance of a pleasant surprise, but the real highlight is its avionics and weapons upgrade. Someone says: "in fact, even on the 10B AESA is also not something to be excited-other avionics of the pace of change and is about much more than a plane can be packed AESA. 10B avionics architecture and performance indicators is to some extent refer to the standard gem of the F-22 column, such as independent flight control, fire control, switch to a new generation of integrated CIP (common information processing machines). "J10B uses a new generation of avionics systems, including improved flight control system, the latest supporting airborne phased array radar, (active/passive) electronic warfare systems released electro-optical radar, the system updates no less than 70%.
J-10B significantly increase the amount of composite materials using, try reducing the RCS process, in addition to DSI inlet, body modification, a minimize appearances out of the body, the traveling light to half-buried, the cooling air inlet from outside the convex to accessory embedded ... J-10B in the process of upgrading a large, RCS reduced by an order of magnitude, similar to the typhoon, wind and F-18E/F. J-10B RCS of less than 1M?, is the smallest of our Army currently serving fighters in the RCS aircraft types.
601 and 611 common competition in China for four generations, starting 601 calls the larger, 611 for backup at that time, J-10 there are many modification. But after four generations beginning with flower 611,611 up the main force on the transfer to a four-generation. After 08, J-10 other programmes were suspended, 10 modified comprehensive steering DSI singles programme, discussion on board the vessel to the possibility of finally packed in air-driven, enhanced air superiority performance, develop multi-purpose ability, completely give up on board the vessel. Identify 10 modified as 3.5-generation production machines at that time, and 4 on behalf of some technology validation, to March 4-generation avionics (on the course, including the AESA).
J-10B airborne equipment, radar, avionics and heavy 4 generations of air machine is different, but J10B airborne equipment, radar, avionics is also arranged in 4 standard development, you can do 4 generation first edition of the standard practice. No experience in first practice, heavy air and 4 generation of airborne equipment, radar, avionics for money likely to interfere with each other or without levels, this can lead to severe 4 generations of air development budget exceeded, plus long preparation period, train delayed. J10B as 4 air airborne equipment, radar, avionics, and the supporting arms, structured exercise object technology, new materials technology, production technology, accumulate experience. J10 modification will always exist, is improving (re-4 service prior to) air force needs of combat effectiveness, second is heavy-4 compliant development of empty machine may encounter obstacles, shoulder part 4 research and risk. 4 research and independent funding, J10 modification is also independent of funding. J10 remodel 4 approximation, some weighing 4 scientific research and experiment in sharing risks, 4 research and act as a multiplier effect, the ultimate vest improved version will use standard 4-generation in single machine with avionics.
09 first write J-10B profiling article, I guess next-generation fighting elastic-PL-10 State. 2 years later, we see on the long-range air-to-air missile development in our country, such as various modification and PL-21 remote PL-12 stamping missiles. Can visualize J-10B fit the new far, and short-range, air combat abilities will even stronger. After 2006, precision ground attack munitions have also earned considerable development, species have been greatly enriched. J-10B itself developing a multi-purpose capability, combined with new ammunition, ground attack capabilities have been enhanced.
J-10B is currently the biggest problem was the engine. J-10 involvement in engine thrust is not large enough, the performance is limited, too line of engines has been unstable. 09 first write J-10B profiling article, Taihang engine drag-and-J-10B I'm worried about the progress. Now 2 years later, things did not find the essence of the change, so although a lot of equipment J-11B service, but the test is still going on in J-10. J-10B start will continue to load AL-31FN service, probably at the end of a small batch production. Currently is said to have received the order for the two groups.
Heard in the air ready to spend a lot of money developing the engine level, and brag about how how fast the development will ... We ignore these vaunted, but can also be seen, although a little depressing, but Outlook is still very good.
We admire the SU-35, SU-37, MIG 1.44, S-37, envy gust, Typhoon, Gripen, envy over the MiG-35, SU-35BM, envy, F-22 and F-35. Now we finally have a catch up with the world advanced level fighter, although away from the F-22/F-35 there is a big gap, however, and other 3.5 generation fighters in the same grade. J-10B, we are no longer envy double wind. We even started to think, JAS-39C/D rather than J-10A and start discussion on the comparison of FC-1 and JAS-39..
Current United States aircraft carrier fighter on 3.5-generation F-18E/F, based in Japan F-15C has also been upgraded to 3.5. Korea, and Japan, and India is planning to purchase 3.5-generation fighter, tiny Singapore has been equipped with a 3.5-generation F-15SG. Four generations of F-22 served in 2004, a total of more than more than 180, will start at the end of a gradual upgrade, now often in Japan Okinawa. F-35 are a large number of test flights, in the next few years will also be served. After 2017, F-35 will gradually into surrounding countries such as Japan, and Korea, and Australia. J-20 was first flight in January. The advent of the J-20, marking China's aviation industry began to catch up with Europe, into the threshold of a world-class air force. But involvement in the engine, the J-20 is only at the first stage. Later switched to a new generation of WS-15, on the body modification again, continue test flights until the equipment. WS-15 about delivered in 2016, J-20 perfect Edition service time is probably 2018-2020 years. In these 8 years, who is going to defend China's territorial airspace?
Is production of J-11B belong to 3 generations, J-11BS for J-11B dual-plane of the first flight in 2007, has started equipment; the first flight in 2009, is J-15 is the carrier of a test flight, performance similar J-11B; in the second half of the first flight of the J-16 fighter bombers such as the SU-30MKK (sharp upgrade in avionics, weapons). This important responsibility to the J-10B of the body. J-10B can be effective against peripheral 3.5 generation fighter; in the defensive system against, against F-35.
Third, the J-10B in other countries.
Rumours have been in Pakistan ready to purchase 36 J-10, arrival time is about 2014. Under arrival time the real model should be J-10B time. J-10A domestic prices closer to $ 30 million, about 54 million J-11B, flying Leopard a about 24 million. FC-1 takeout price 150.02 billion, J-10A currently exports about 40 million, about 55 million J-10B. Current 3.5 generation on the international market and the price is: Typhoon 120 million, gusts of 110 million, F-15SG 100 million, F-18E/F 90 million, F-16E/F 80 million, JAS-39NG 80 million, the MiG-35; SU-30MKK of three generations of 60 million. Compared with the same grade aircraft, J-10B can be described as excellent.
Pakistan currently 34 F-16Block15OCU, is being F-16Block50 avionics upgrade for the other countries, is expected in 2014 the upgrade is complete. Pakistan purchased 18 new F-16Block50/52, all arriving at the end. Pakistan may also buy 18 F-16Block50/52 is expected. So until 2014 or so, Pakistan will have 70 F-16Block50/52 fighters. Since 2007, receiving the first batch of 8 JF-17,2009 year started receiving the second batch of 40 JF-17, the current total of Pakistan has received over more than 30. Behind the JF-17 of delivery is estimated to be stable at speed of 20/year. In 2014, Pakistan will receive about 100 JF-17. Subsequent batches is estimated to be compared to great improvement, such as stealth modification, replacement AESA, install, such as IRST. Such until 2014, Pakistan has 170 modern generation fighters.
India bought 18 SU-30K;2002-2004 year bought in 1997-1999 32 SU-30MKI. 2004 India HAL company began Assembly production SU-30MKI in 2014, total production 90 are now producing nearly 70. India ordered 40 aircraft in 2007, SU-30MKI,2011-2012 year delivery 2009 ordered 50 SU-30MKI 2013-2014 for delivery. 2010 ordered 42 more SU-30MKI, which is scheduled for 2014 by HAL company began Assembly in 2018, production is complete. India currently has MiG -29K a total of 16 aircraft, plans to buy 29. India started 63 older MiG-29 upgrade my meter -29UPG (upgrade cost 15 million/frame), 51 Phantom of old -2000H I upgrade my phantom -2000-5 (upgrade cost 40 million/frame). India's homemade light fighters served in January 2011, production of about 10 per year. So that by 2014, India will have 230 SU-30MKI -29UPG, 50, 60 m Mirage -2000-5 -29K, 40, 40 m LCA and so a total of 420 of three generations of modern fighters.
India, not satisfied with these, it is in full swing preparing to buy 126 3.5 generation fighters. Is being determined is buying double the wind or a F-18E/F.. After 2014 India is prepared to once again its SU-30MKI cluster upgrade.
Faced several times with his enemies, in particular, face the future more than 126 much more modern 3.5-generation fighters, Pakistan air force was F-16 Block50/52, or JF-17, are often be limited. Pakistan plans to buy more second hand F-16A/B and improved on the one hand, to complement the number on the other, Pakistan thought of China, think of the Chinese J-10B. In fact, there was talk of Pakistan has been a research and development of Interventional J-10B..
J-10B effective against India next 3.5 generation fighter and India on another 3 generations of machines forming performance of repression. If FC-1 to after Pakistan, is located on the F-16 after the Block50/52 of second-line machine, then after J-10B to Pakistan is located on the F-16 before Block50/52 of high end machine..