But that's not the argument about the PLA weakness though. The main argument is that these spoiled kids would turn around and run in time of danger because they have been spoiled. The main logic is that their unique upbringing (the only child in the family) somehow makes them soft and gives them bad character, which makes them cowards on the battlefield. My comments were directed to counter that argument. My point was that these kids, although spoiled, can still be brave in time of danger.
Most of the in-effectiveness exposed in the Tianjin explosion was caused by so many different things that went wrong. None of them was because of the firefighters were the only kids in their respective families. These kids, spoiled or not, had no control over the local/state govn't policies on how to store hazardous materials. These kids, spoiled or not, had no control over their training protocols. My impression is that these firefighters followed their protocols as they were instructed. By all account, they followed their instructions and protocols. The only problem was that the instructions and protocols were not effective. Again, these kids had no controls over these issues, whether they had been spoiled or not...It's not like they had been taught in one way, but they completely panicked and started to do something else at the time of the explosion.
We are arguing about whether being spoiled makes these kids lazy bums, cowards and unruly brats, basically people with bad characters. I think my examples show the exact opposite: they showed their true and admirable character. So in that sense, I feel that my example is appropriate.