Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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You might question why the nosecone doesn't glow during ascent but does glow during reentry. Radiation is a very direct measure of temperature.

Maybe you'd reevaluate the contribution of friction to heating of reentry vehicles vs factors like adiabatic heating of the gas front in front of the vehicle. But thats just me.
Rocket ascends relatively slow and faces decreasing resistance due to thinning of air; the aerodynamic heating is low and decreasing with altitude. Opposite happens during descent: descends faster, increasing resistance, high aerodynamic heating. And that's assuming the nosecone fairing isn't discarded / MIRV'ed. Experimental data from NASA's Atlas/Centaur rockets show the nosecone fairing temperature does not exceed 700K on ascent, while any rocket engine exhaust is ~3600K. Iran's older Shahab-3 (which was visible in some videos) has 5 cluster munitions within the nosecone fairing.

ICBMs are more challenging for the additional reason that they spend a longer time in space and cool down more. nonetheless, SM-3 intercepted an ICBM in a test 4 years ago.
So, an ICBM will cool down in space but not Irani rocket because there is "no heat convection in space". Lol. You don't seem too sure about your argument.

Seems Israel went out of its way to hide the damage?. No idea how this works so take it with a grain of salt

This method isn't particularly new to Israel. There were reports from years ago that Israel had coerced mapping services to mask many of their bases with rural farmlands. Many Israeli bases also appear blurred or manipulated on Yandex and Google Earth. Another example involving the US base in Israel,
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Mashabim "air base" ... without a runway....
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Interceptions over Jordan
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I counted about 17-18 interceptors launched from the ground, a far cry from 100+ ("181 Iranian missiles launched and most intercepted").

Bibi need to hide it from the public because he want to keep the support for the war, they are doing the same with Hezbollah rockets attacks, they hide the damage. For the Israelis it must feel great to see damage of their collective punishment on Gaza but the definitly don't want to see that close to home.

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Just as I stated previously: censor is strong, casualties not allowed to be reported.

More like they struck Syria as retaliation because they couldn't go for Iran for whatever reason, but made a fatal mistake.

Russia hasn't decreased it's activity overseas just because of the Ukraine war. They don't even need to fight officially to make life for Israel much worse. Theres a too large power gap, unless US goes all in on the ground for Israel.

It all depends on if there were any Russian casualties. I'm not counting out that it could be a resistance psyop to get/justify Kremlin funding/support.
Attack Russia, wait for Russia to retaliate, then US/EU is forced to join in... seems to be the plan.

My guess is that those missiles were intercepted before they came into camera view and what we see is their breakup in atmosphere. In the beginning of the video you can see Arrow interceptors being launched and disappearing from view to the left, so the actual points of intercept are not visible.
They look more like nosecone fairings separating to release cluster munitions which is what the older Shahab-3 does upon re-entry. And I didn't see 100+ interceptors.

Huh. That is interesting. 1.5 million Russians account for almost 16% of Israel population. In terms of economic, that would be devastating if a lot of them goes back to their ancestral homeland.
Well, Russian is the 2nd most spoken language in Israel after Hebrew. I doubt they will return to Russia, although many did in the past, because the Ashkenazi who founded Israel and rule the country.. a lot of them are from Russia. I don't think most of them are Russian nationals anymore but just of Russian background from their parents / grandparents.
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Iran could hit Israel’s two refineries,sub conductor infrastructure as well as their electrical grid. Israel’s economy is already in the shitter now. A national blackout would do serious damage on their economy. And yeah lots of Israelis have generators but the demand for diesel will be even higher as we have seen in Ukraine which means higher prices ie inflation.

The Persian Gulf monarchies saying they are neutral in any war between Iran and Israel it’s a major problem for the US and Israel. Israel may fly from Azerbaijan but that’s asking a lot. And I doubt Baku wants to anger Iran. And Turkey wouldn’t allow it. Only way would be through US aircraft carriers but that means full scale war. I could see Israel retaliate through assassinations. Without the Gulf monarchies it going to be hard for Israel to strike Iran.


Well, their retaliation strike against US base back in 2020 had decent accuracy I remember. Not sure if they used GPS or inertial guidance, GPS is untrustworthy, Beidou and Glonnass can be jammed which leaves inertial guidance that may or may not suck.

But yeah missing that Mossad base is a huge L, if they intentionally missed it then they are pussies, if they unintentionally missed it then their missile sucked
true, but the point is now Mossad won't feel safe anymore as it can be hit relatively "easily"


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Qatar hosted a meeting with the gulf states and Iran within the last day. Reportedly, the gulf reassure Iran of their neutrality. Aside from the relationship, it would be in Iranian interests to make it more difficult for the Westoids to turn the gulf into a military platform. Including to dampen western efforts to sever Iranian relations with the gulf region. The only potential card is closing the strait of Hormuz similar to the Suez Canal.
A more important message Iran sent with these attacks was received in Washington. The war mongers who thought they could bomb Iran from the safety of Gulf States now know that their bases- which are only a few hundred KMs from Iran - would be vaporised in an instant.

That millennium challenge war game never lied after all

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Lieutenant General
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A more important message Iran sent with these attacks was received in Washington. The war mongers who thought they could bomb Iran from the safety of Gulf States now know that their bases- which are only a few hundred KMs from Iran - would be vaporised in an instant.
Most Iranian missiles are 500 km in range or lower. Those US bases like the one in Qatar are easily within such range.
One example is the Raad-500 but also older missiles like Fateh-110.
Shorter range would also mean the missiles would be both more accurate and there would be lower response time.


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A more important message Iran sent with these attacks was received in Washington. The war mongers who thought they could bomb Iran from the safety of Gulf States now know that their bases- which are only a few hundred KMs from Iran - would be vaporised in an instant.

That millennium challenge war game never lied after all

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I believe that the main message is really the potential for nuclear attacks or attacks on critical infrastructure. If Iran can get so many hits on an airbase, what can they do to Israeli high tech industry? And if Iran gets a nuke, everyone will know that they can deliver it to Israel and defeat Israeli air defence. The first Chinese nuclear device only weighed 1550 kg. The ghadr 110 can apparently carry up to 1000kg of warhead. With modern technological knowledge and data from Korea, the first device Iran builds can probably fit into a missile without further miniaturisation needed. If Israel attacks the nuclear program, Iran might finally have the excuse to go nuclear

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However, he noted a "subtext" to the strikes - those missiles could have a nuclear warhead strapped to the top of them.

As Iran is yet to develop a successful nuclear warhead, that's not an imminent threat - but it does send a signal.