Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
Retreat would be the worst thing Hamas can do, as they have nothing to counter Israeli air power. Pull back and the Israelis can bomb them from the air with impunity and safety all the way back to the Stone Age.

This is a once-a-century chance for them, having somehow managed to catch the IDF out cold, they are now through the Israelis main defences and in their urban settlements, which massively limits the IAF.

This isn’t a war, the Palestinians cannot win this, it’s all about doing as much damage and causing as much pain as possible to the Israelis before they are defeated and killed.

I think the Palestinians knows this deal, and went in with clear eyes about the final outcome. This is why they won’t behave like a conventional military and try to hold ground and consolidate their gains. I don’t think they will even try to take back any of the heavy armour they have captured and will just torch them all on the spot, or drive them forwards to help push deeper into Israel.
The most they can do now is guerilla warfare. Any attempt to move organised troops in the following days will be swiftly dealt through by Israel's airforce. This means that movement of big number of Hamas troops will stop because they will be easily spotted

All the initial movements of trucks full of Hamas soldiers happened because Israel was caught sleeping in the wheel.


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Retreat would be the worst thing Hamas can do, as they have nothing to counter Israeli air power. Pull back and the Israelis can bomb them from the air with impunity and safety all the way back to the Stone Age.

This is a once-a-century chance for them, having somehow managed to catch the IDF out cold, they are now through the Israelis main defences and in their urban settlements, which massively limits the IAF.

This isn’t a war, the Palestinians cannot win this, it’s all about doing as much damage and causing as much pain as possible to the Israelis before they are defeated and killed.

I think the Palestinians knows this deal, and went in with clear eyes about the final outcome. This is why they won’t behave like a conventional military and try to hold ground and consolidate their gains. I don’t think they will even try to take back any of the heavy armour they have captured and will just torch them all on the spot, or drive them forwards to help push deeper into Israel.

You exactly right. This is a true Guerilla warfare of thousand cuts. But same goes for Israel too as they will probably kill hundreds of thousands in retaliation which they call "mowing the grass".

What will determine how this fight will look like over the long term is strength of backers of the both sides. For Israel, Its the collective west, for Palestinians its the muslims who have deep religious significance for the Al Aqsa Mosque. If Western Decline continues and Rise of the Rest continues then Israel is doomed over the long term. Cause they cannot win against 400 million muslims all around them and 1.8 billion muslims also supporting. The only reason they were able to win for so long was the backwardness of the Muslims.

If that Backwardness is slowly gone and they gain GDP, military strength and influence, then Israel will not be able to survive.


You exactly right. This is a true Guerilla warfare of thousand cuts. But same goes for Israel too as they will probably kill hundreds of thousands in retaliation which they call "mowing the grass".

What will determine how this fight will look like over the long term is strength of backers of the both sides. For Israel, Its the collective west, for Palestinians its the muslims who have deep religious significance for the Al Aqsa Mosque. If Western Decline continues and Rise of the Rest continues then Israel is doomed over the long term. Cause they cannot win against 400 million muslims all around them and 1.8 billion muslims also supporting. The only reason they were able to win for so long was the backwardness of the Muslims.

If that Backwardness is slowly gone and they gain GDP, military strength and influence, then Israel will not be able to survive.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Europeans still quite anti-Semitic?


Lieutenant General
The most they can do now is guerilla warfare. Any attempt to move organised troops in the following days will be swiftly dealt through by Israel's airforce. This means that movement of big number of Hamas troops will stop because they will be easily spotted

All the initial movements of trucks full of Hamas soldiers happened because Israel was caught sleeping in the wheel.

Hamas isn’t an organised military, you will just have swarms of civilian cars darting all over the place. Good luck to the IAF looking to interdict every car on the road, especially with Israeli civilians fleeing everywhere.

If the Palestinians are smart and know their history, they will use Mongolian tactics, they might already be doing that judging by the footage of masses of fleeing Israeli settlers.

The Mongolians enjoyed great success overrunning strong enemy defences by driving the civilian survivors from conquered cities in front of their armies at the next city. The defenders are forced to slaughter their own civilian, or are swamped by them and unable to hold back the Mongol hoards hot on their heels.

Israel is a tiny tiny place. They need to stop Hama today, else if this is allowed to continue unchecked for a few days, they might not be able to easily actually contain the situation.


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Footage of Israeli Air Force retaliatory strikes on the Gaza Strip.


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Walla Hebrew website: “Hamas [and Resistance factions]has already won this round - the fact that the organization was able to surprise the best and most experienced intelligence in the world and mock the strongest security system in the Middle East, and that it was able to control the event for long hours, will not be erased from the minds of the players in the region.” .


Based Qatar

The Qatari Foreign Ministry released a statement on the conflict with Gaza, "Israel alone is responsible for the ongoing escalation of violence."


Israel's second largest power plant, Rutenberg, was hit by Hamas rocket fire.

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Footage of Israeli Air Force retaliatory strikes on the Gaza Strip.


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Walla Hebrew website: “Hamas [and Resistance factions]has already won this round - the fact that the organization was able to surprise the best and most experienced intelligence in the world and mock the strongest security system in the Middle East, and that it was able to control the event for long hours, will not be erased from the minds of the players in the region.” .


Based Qatar

The Qatari Foreign Ministry released a statement on the conflict with Gaza, "Israel alone is responsible for the ongoing escalation of violence."


Israel's second largest power plant, Rutenberg, was hit by Hamas rocket fire.

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Hamas use Huawei phones now or something?


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Invasion of Palestinian troops into Israel, military operations. The head of the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, Mohammed ad-Deif, announced the start of a military operation against Israel. This morning there has already been a massive rocket attack on the south and center of Israel, and martial law has been declared. Palestinian rockets fell on the village of Kharas in the Hebron region and other settlements. Armed mobile Palestinian units have penetrated into populated areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip. Palestinians are massively destroying and seizing Israeli equipment. It is known that one of the Israeli Merkava Mk 4 tanks was destroyed and three Hummer armored vehicles were captured. Judging by the scale of the invasion, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad did not know about such a large-scale action. Currently, attacks on Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip continue, and local urban battles are taking place. The IDF is now closing roads near the border with the Gaza Strip. There are many killings of civilians happening on the streets now, but this cannot be shown.


Arij Javaid

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It remains interesting to see what will happen with western sympathy. Whenever Hamas attacks Israel, western countries overwhelmingly side with Israel, however I believe Netanyahu will overplay his card and do something unprecedented such as killing and bombing every civilian that might lead to a loss of sympathy.