Chief of Staff from Tel Nof Air Base: We will be able to launch a very rapid attack, on every place in Lebanon, on every place in Gaza, on every place in the Middle East, above ground, and underground.
⭕️ We will send a very clear message to our enemies that those who attacked us, and who talk in every speech about how to destroy the State of Israel, we will strike them and we will continue to increase our strength.
⭕️ Yesterday, Yahya Al-Sinwar obtained a new job title, assuming the position of Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas. This title meaning “politician” does not exempt him from being a murderer involved in the entire planning and implementation process of what happened on October 7th. Therefore, changing his job title does not discourage us from continuing to search for him, and not only that, but it encourages us as we will strive to find him, attacking him to replace the head of the Politburo again
“We have conducted very important operations over the past weeks, killing the most prominent commanders of our most problematic enemies, and we are not stopping.”